]> ActiveStandard 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:03 UF Current standard added by editor 2023/02/15 15:07 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2023/02/15 15:10 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:03 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/06 15:00 Changed from Active standard by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a standard at the time of publication which remains in effect until inactive (for example, superseded, withdrawn, deprecated, or retired). Note 1: The status “active” does not indicate the validity or non-validity of a standard. Note 2: Synonym: current standard. (Adapted from DIN 820-3:2014.) Accepted Current standard CanceledProject 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:11 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:13 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/07 13:55 Changed from Canceled project by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a project that was aborted before reaching the “active” status. Accepted DatedReference 2023/02/15 15:02 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:05 UF Dated designation added by editor 2023/02/15 15:05 UF Dated designator added by editor 2023/02/15 15:05 UF Dated standard reference added by editor 2023/02/15 15:16 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:16 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/07 14:03 Changed from Dated reference by editor Reference to a specific standard instance. Accepted Dated designation Dated designator Dated standard reference DeprecatedStandard 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:05 UF Cancelled standard added by editor 2023/02/15 15:13 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:09 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/06 15:02 Changed from Deprecated standard by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a standard that is declared as being no longer active by means of a formal withdrawal procedure that determines that this particular inactive standard is no longer fit for purpose. Note 1: Formal withdrawal is a procedure used by some standards-setting institutions, e.g., if there are grave safety concerns regarding the content. Note 2: Synonym: canceled standard Accepted Cancelled standard Drafting 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:11 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:13 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a standard project for the period of time between the initial framework for a standard and the agreement of a consensus on the technical content of a draft within a standardization committee. Note: The consensus draft is sometimes referred to as the committee draft. Accepted ExternalCommentAndReview 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:12 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:14 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/07 13:55 Changed from External comment and review by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a standard project for the period of time between making a consensus draft available for comments outside the standardization committee and the end of the review which includes the resolution of comments received during that period. Note 1: A draft made available for public comment is sometimes referred to as one instance of a draft standard. Note 2: In some standardizing bodies, commenting outside the standardization committee can be limited to a peer review or to early adopters. Accepted FinalApproval 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:04 UF Formal approval added by editor 2023/02/15 15:12 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:14 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/07 13:59 Changed from Final approval by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a standard project for the period of time following the final resolution of comments up to and through approval of the final content by the standardizing body. Note: The final decision of approval of a standards body to publish a standard sometimes takes the form of a vote on a final draft. Accepted Formal approval InDevelopment 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:11 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:13 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/05/17 14:34 Changed from In-development by WheelerR Status assigned by a standardizing body to a standard project for the period of time between first expression of an idea and publication of the standard. Accepted InactiveStandard 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:04 UF Historical standard added by editor 2023/02/15 15:11 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2023/02/15 15:13 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:06 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/06 15:02 Changed from Inactive standard by editor Status that is assigned by a standardizing body to a standard no longer active. (Adapted from DIN 820-3:2014.) Note 1: The status “inactive” does not refer to the validity or non-validity of a standard. The terms “valid” and “invalid” are only used and established by contractual parties, depending on the application. Note 2: The term “retired” may also be used if an inactive standard is no longer made generally available. This does not impact its technical standardization status of withdrawn or deprecated. Note 3: Synonym: historical standard Accepted Historical standard InformativeReference 2023/02/15 15:02 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:16 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:16 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/07 14:03 Changed from Informative reference by editor A reference that may be useful for the implementation of the referencing standard. Accepted Instance Accepted 2023/02/15 15:02 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:17 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:17 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor A time-stamped occurrence, snapshot, or edition, including any corrections, extensions, or deviations. LifeCycleStates 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:07 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:03 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/06 15:00 Changed from Life cycle states by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a standards project for a sequence of events within the standards life cycle. Note: Standards life cycle is defined as the sequence of events from the first idea to the ultimate archiving and/or withdrawal of a standard. Accepted Maintenance 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:10 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:04 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor Status assigned during review(s) of an active standard. Note 1: This review can have three mutually exclusive results: • If a decision is taken to reconfirm (or reaffirm) a standard, the Active State continues (without interruption). • If a decision is taken to revise a standard, the Active State ends when the superseding standard is approved or published. • If a decision is taken to withdraw a standard, the Active State ends when the withdrawal formally occurs. Note 2: If a decision is taken to revise a standard, the new work would be in the top-level In Development state. Note 3: Review can take the forms of continuous maintenance, periodic maintenance, or stabilized maintenance: • Continuous maintenance is the ongoing consideration of recommended changes to any part of a standard according to a documented schedule for consideration and action by a consensus body. (Based on the definition in ANSI 2021, Essential Requirements, Section 4: Maintenance.) • Periodic maintenance is the review of the entire standard and action to revise or reaffirm it on a set schedule, generally not to exceed five years from the date of its approval. (Based on the definition in ANSI 2021, Essential Requirements, Section 4: Maintenance.) • Stabilized maintenance acknowledges a standard that has ongoing effectiveness and has reached technological maturity, and is thus exempt from a continuous or periodic review schedule. In some standards organizations, a standard is put in stabilized maintenance if it supports the continued viability of existing products or the servicing of equipment that is expected to have a long working life. (Based on ISO/IEC JTC 1 Directives 2020.) Accepted Manifestation Accepted 2023/02/15 15:02 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:17 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:03 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:18 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor A distinct expression of an instance that can be uniquely distinguished by one or more characteristics. Note: Examples of distinct expressions can be, among others, digital vs. physical, different file formats, or content languages for the same standard instance. NormativeReference 2023/02/15 15:02 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:17 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:16 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/07 14:05 Changed from Normative reference by editor Reference deemed indispensable for the implementation of the referencing standard. Note: A normative reference is used in place of quoting detailed provisions from the referenced standard or other material. Accepted PartiallySupersededStandard 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:15 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:12 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/06 15:04 Changed from Partially superseded standard by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a withdrawn standard that was partially replaced by a newer instance of the standard that covers at least the same scope. Note 1: Some SDOs prohibit the continued use of the partially superseded standard, approving only the use of the newer partially replacing instance. Accepted PartiallySupersedingStandard 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:10 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:05 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/06 15:01 Changed from Partially superseding standard by editor Status of a standard that by itself or together with other standards partially replaces a standard, or multiple standards, and covers part of the replaced standards’ scope. Accepted PreDrafting 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:12 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:14 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/07 14:00 Changed from Pre-drafting by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a standard project for the period of time between the acceptance of a proposal for a standard project until the development of an initial framework for a standard. Note: The initial framework for a standard could be a scope or a working draft. Accepted PreProposal 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:13 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:15 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/07 14:02 Changed from Pre-proposal by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a standard project for the period of time between first expression of an idea and formal standardization proposal. Accepted ProductionAndPublication 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:13 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:15 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/07 14:02 Changed from Production and publication by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a standard project for the period of time between final approval of a standard until publication of the standard. This period includes the production process of a standard within the standardizing body and may include a translation period. Note 1: The act of final approval or publication changes the top-level status of a standard from “in development” to “active." Note 2: The specific date at which an active (standard) instance is made available for use is sometimes referred to as publication date or date of issuance. Accepted Proposal 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:13 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:15 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a standard project for the period of time between distribution of a formal proposal for a standard project and the final decision on the formal proposal. Note 1: Common activities here are review and evaluation of the formal proposal. The result is either acceptance or rejection of the formal proposal. Note 2: The formal proposal is sometimes referred to as “New Work Item Proposal” or “New Standardization Proposal.” Accepted Reference 2023/02/15 15:02 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:16 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:15 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor Citation to another standard, part of a standard, or other material. Accepted Standard Accepted 2023/02/15 15:02 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:17 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:17 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor A documented instance of rules, guidelines, or characteristics for activities and/or their results, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context. Note: All instances identified by the same standard’s designation are often referred to as a standards’ “family.” (Source: NISO SSOS WG adapting definitions of pre-existing standards.) StandardReference 2023/02/15 15:02 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:16 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:16 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:25 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/07 14:06 Changed from Standard reference by editor Citation to another standard, part of a standard, or other material. Accepted StandardsDevelopmentOrganization Accepted 2023/02/15 15:02 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:17 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 01:52 Changed from Standards organization by editor 2024/01/30 02:02 Changed from Standards Development Organization by editor 2024/01/30 02:18 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/07 14:02 Changed from Standards development organization by editor An organization that produces documented instances of rules, guidelines, or characteristics for activities and/or their results, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context. Note 1: Reference acronyms in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_technical_standard_organizations. SupersededStandard 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:16 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:12 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/06 15:04 Changed from Superseded standard by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a withdrawn standard that has been replaced by a newer instance of the standard that covers at least the same scope. Accepted SupersedingStandard 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:10 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:05 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/06 15:02 Changed from Superseding standard by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a standard that by itself or together with other standards replaces an older version of the same standard, or another standard, or multiple standards, and covers at least the same scope. (Adapted from DIN 820-3:2014.) Accepted UndatedReference 2023/02/15 15:02 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:06 UF Undated designation added by editor 2023/02/15 15:06 UF Undated designator added by editor 2023/02/15 15:06 UF Undated standard reference added by editor 2023/02/15 15:17 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:17 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/07 14:05 Changed from Undated reference by editor Reference to the active or most recent inactive instance, e.g., the last version of a withdrawn but not superseded standard. Note: In many cases, an undated reference indicates the latest instance of a standard. Accepted Undated designation Undated designator Undated standard reference WithdrawnStandard 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:14 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:11 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:12 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/06 15:03 Changed from Withdrawn standard by editor Standard that is declared as being no longer active, and its status is set to “inactive.” Note 1: There are regional distinctions regarding the status, “withdrawn;” some standards organizations formally withdraw a standard, defined here as “deprecated,” versus a withdrawn standard that is superseded. Note 2: A document that has been withdrawn may continue to be used, e.g., if this has been contractually agreed upon and is not forbidden by law. Accepted WithdrawnStandardWithoutSupersession 2023/02/15 14:55 imported by editor 2023/02/15 15:16 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/01/30 02:12 TM UPDATE Field SN updated by editor 2024/03/06 15:09 Changed from Withdrawn standard without supersession by editor Status assigned by a standardizing body to a withdrawn standard that was not replaced (partially or entirely) by a newer instance of a standard that covers at least the same scope. Accepted