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Implementing SUSHI/COUNTER at your Institution

Training Thursdays

About the Training

With the sheer number of electronic resources that the libraries are now subscribe to, acquiring accurate and timely usage statistics is crucial in providing data for collection management assessment and decision making process. NISO developed the SUSHI protocol that allow publishers to standardize their usage statistics into a common format as well as the delivery of that information. This protocol is designed to simplify and automate the harvesting of COUNTER usage reports from various electronic resources providers. 
This is a guided, step-by-step session that follows the April 29 NISO Virtual Conference, Expanding the Assessment Toolbox: Blending the Old and New Assessment Practices. The presenter will teach you the practical implementation of harvesting your COUNTER reports using the SUSHI protocol. You will learn what it takes to ensure you will get the benefit of this system for your institution. 

The 90-minute training session will cover:

  • Quick overview of SUSHI and COUNTER
  • What do you need to harvest a report using SUSHI
  • What information do I need to harvest a report?
  • Where do I get the information?
  • What other steps might be needed to successfully harvest usage?
  • The results of the harvest is an XML file – now what?
  • Data analysis and interpretation.

Event Sessions

About the Instructor


Oliver Pesch

Chief Product Strategist
EBSCO Information Services

Additional Information

  • Registrants will receive detailed instructions about accessing the training session via e-mail the Monday prior to the event. (Anyone registering between Monday and the close of registration will receive the message shortly after the registration is received, within normal business hours.) Due to the widespread use of spam blockers, filters, out of office messages, etc., it is your responsibility to contact the NISO office if you do not receive login instructions before the start of the webinar.
  • Registration is per site (access for one computer) and includes access to the online recorded archive of the webinar. You may have as many people as you like from the registrant's organization view the webinar from that one connection. If you need additional connections, you will need to enter a separate registration for each connection needed.
  • If you are registering someone else from your organization, either use that person's e-mail address when registering or contact Educational Programs Manager Juliana Wood to provide alternate contact information.
  • Presentation slides and Q&A will be posted to the site following the live webinar.
  • Registrants will receive an e-mail message containing access information to the archived training webinar recording 24- 48 hours after the event. This recording access is only to be used by the registrant's or member's organization.