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Enabling Innovations for Researcher Workflows and Scholarly Communication


About This Webinar

Digital network technologies have driven the globalisation of the scientific community and transformed the way in which research is conducted and communicated.

This webinar focuses on the usage of the innovative tools that have been developed to facilitate information sharing and collaboration in this changing environment. Presenters will address the need for consensus among stakeholders in differing scientific communities on the principles needed to guide implementation positively to impact research practice, openness, efficiency and reproducibility, and quality of outcomes. 

Event Sessions

Innovations in scholarly communication: openness, efficiency and reproducibility drivers


Jeroen Bosman

Open Science expert and Geoscience librarian
Utrecht University

Bianca Kramer

Life Sciences and Medicine Librarian
Utrecht University

Science is in transition. Exactly how is what we try to find out in the project 101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication. By looking at tool development and tool usage in all phases of the research cycle we can distill patterns in research practices. The empirical underpinning for this is supplied by data from our recent global survey that reached >20K researchers, librarians and others. We will show how one may get a grip on these complex tool usage patterns by using a simple model that frames tools according to the extent that they facilitate or promote research to become more efficient, more open and more reproducible.

An Open Science Framework to Manage the Research Workflow and Align Scientific Values with Practices


David Mellor

Director of Policy Initiatives
Center for Open Science

Scientists are rewarded for getting their worked published, and getting published traditionally has relied on presenting surprising and tidy findings. However, this leads to presenting a biased subset of the total body of scientific evidence. The mission of the Center for Open Science is to increase the rigor and reproducibility of research. This mission is achieved through three activities: 1) Measuring the extent of the problem through reproducibility studies, 2) Advocating for policies and practices that can improve the reproducibility of the published literature, and 3) Building tools that enable the practices for which we advocate. In this presentation, David Mellor will present how the Open Science Framework can enable researchers and institutions to conduct more reproducible work and how societies can reward ideal scientific practices.

From Principles to Action - The FORCE11 approach to innovation in scholarly communications


There is a lot of talk of innovation and change and even disruption in scholarly communication but sometimes the pace of change itself can seem slow. Some efforts seem to get bogged down in endless discussion and never make it to implementation. Some by contrast reach a technical conclusion too quickly and fail because they don't address the complex needs of many stakeholders. 

FORCE11 started as a movement for change amongst a particular group of technically minded people in scholarly communication including publishers, technologists, researchers, advocates and funders. Over time it has evolved in a number of directions, now positioning itself as a forum where different stakeholder communities can come together to seek a consensus on how to move forward. In particular a pattern has emerged in which successful groups seek first to articulate and refine a set ofprinciples that can help to guide implementation but do not specify it. If a wide consensus can be developed on principles then the next phase moves towards community implementation.

OpenVIVO: Transforming the Representation of Scholarly Communication


Alex Viggio

Associate Director, Faculty Information System
University of Colorado - Boulder

The VIVO web application showcases the scholarly work of research institutions around the world using the shared OpenRIF information model. The VIVO and OpenRIF projects collaborate as an extended community that embraces open source, open data, and open standards. VIVO’s established functionality enables the aggregation, curation, searching, browsing, and visualizing of diverse scholarly activity. VIVO continues to evolve, exploring new approaches in support of scholarly communication such as implementing FAIR Data Principles and expert finding functionality.

This presentation examines OpenVIVO, a hosted instance of VIVO describing attendees of recent FORCE11 and VIVO conferences. Today, anyone with an ORCiD identifier can log into OpenVIVO. This automatically creates their VIVO profile drawing from ORCiD and other authoritative sources, allowing them to explore VIVO’s innovative functionality. OpenVIVO extends the VIVO 1.9 open source release to include features such as: authenticating with ORCiD; linking data with ORCiD, CrossRef, Figshare, Altmetric, and GRID; integrating the new OpenRIF contribution role ontology; and using the OCLC FAST vocabulary to map expertise. We’ll discuss lessons learned from OpenVIVO, and how this informs the project roadmap.

Additional Information

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  • Registrants will receive detailed instructions about accessing the virtual conference via e-mail the Friday prior to the event. (Anyone registering between Monday and the close of registration will receive the message shortly after the registration is received, within normal business hours.) Due to the widespread use of spam blockers, filters, out of office messages, etc., it is your responsibility to contact the NISO office if you do not receive login instructions before the start of the webinar.

  • If you have not received your Login Instruction e-mail by 10 a.m. (ET) on the day before the virtual conference, please contact the NISO office at for immediate assistance.

  • Registration is per site (access for one computer) and includes access to the online recorded archive of the conference. You may have as many people as you like from the registrant's organization view the conference from that one connection. If you need additional connections, you will need to enter a separate registration for each connection needed.

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  • Conference presentation slides and Q&A will be posted to this event webpage following the live conference.

  • Registrants will receive an e-mail message containing access information to the archived conference recording within 48 hours after the event. This recording access is only to be used by the registrant's organization.

For Online Events

  • NISO has developed a quick tutorial, How to Participate in a NISO Web Event. Please view the recording, which is an overview of the web conferencing system and will help to answer the most commonly asked questions regarding participating in an online Webex event.
  • You will need a computer for the presentation and Q&A.

  • Audio is available through the computer (broadcast) and by telephone. We recommend you have a set-up for telephone audio as back-up even if you plan to use the broadcast audio as the voice over Internet isn't always 100% reliable.

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