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New Walk-Through on the Standards Creation Process Now Available

New Walk-Through on the Standards Creation Process Now Available

September 2020

Little Things Mean A Lot!

One of the main themes to come out of our recent community survey is that, while NISO’s work is seen as important, it can be difficult to understand. We’ll be sharing the full results of that survey later this year but, in the meantime, as part of our strategic goal to nurture an engaged, inclusive, and sustainable community, we want to make NISO and our work more accessible and understandable for everyone in the information community.

Based on feedback from our community, including the NISO Plus scholarship winners, our first focus is on improving our website. We’re delighted to share several new pages, which we hope you’ll find useful!

We’ve also made updates to several other pages, and cleaned up the dropdown options in our top-level menu.

There’s still lots of room for further improvement, so we’ll be continuing to work on more updates in the coming months. In the meantime, we’d love to get your feedback on these new pages and, in particular, we’d be delighted to share examples of NISO standards and recommended practices that your organization has implemented! Please send these to so that we can add them to our growing list of Information Standards in Practice!