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External Industry Events (November IO)

External Industry Events (November IO)

October 2020

Amidst the situation surrounding COVID-19, please refer to the individual conference sites for the current status of the event, if it is known.

November Meetings

November 2 - 6 (Virtual Event)
Charleston Conference

November 9 - 13 (Virtual Event)
DLF Forum 2020

November 10 -12 (Virtual Event)
Outsell Signature Event

November 10 - December 15 (Virtual Event)
CNI Fall 2020 Membership Meeting

December Meetings

December 1 (Virtual Event)
STM Week 2020 Innovations Seminar

January Meetings

January 7 -10 (Virtual Event)
Modern Language Association

January 22 - 26 (Virtual Event)
ALA Midwinter Meeting

January 27 (Virtual Event)
PIDApalooza 2021

February Meetings

Feb 22 - 26 (Hybrid Event)
Researcher to Reader
London, UK

February 8 -10
Data Harmony Users Group
Albuquerque, NM

March Meetings

March 8 -10 (Virtual Event)

March 9 - 11
London Book Fair
Olympia, UK

March 21 - 25
ACS Spring Meeting
San Antonio, TX

March 22 - 23
CNI Spring Membership Meeting
Denver, CO

March 30 - April 1 (Rescheduled)
Organizers have issued this statement:
Fiesole Retreat
Athens, Greece

April Meetings

April 5 - 9
25th MuseWeb Conference (MW21)
Washington, DC

April 14 - 17 (Virtual Event)

April 12 - 14 (Virtual Event)

April 12 - 16 (Virtual Event)
Association of independent Information Professionals (AIIP)

April 27 - April 29
ARL Spring Membership Meeting (Held in conjunction with Canadian Association of research Libraries)
Toronto, Ontario

May Meetings

May 1 - 4
Council of Science Editors
Minneapolis, MN

May 17 - 21 (Hybrid Event)
Madison WI

May 21 - 26 (Hybrid Event)
Medical Library Association
Washington, D.C.

May 25 - 26
Data Summit 2021
Boston, MA

May 26 - 28 (Virtual Event First)
Society for Scholarly Publishing
National Harbor, MD

May 31 - June 3 (Virtual Event)
CNI Open Repositories