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PIE-J: Related Efforts and Best Practices

A number of efforts have taken place that relate to the issues that are being addressed by the PIE-J Working Group. The PIE-J work is building from and working with those different groups to ensure that consistent, clear recommendations are made that pull from and feed into these related efforts. They include:

  • IOTA
    The $%&NISO IOTA (Improving OpenURLs Through Analytics) Working Group is a two-year research project that is investigating the feasibility of creating industry-wide, transparent and scalable metrics for evaluating and comparing the quality of OpenURL implementations across content providers. 
  • ISO 8: Presentation of Periodicals
    Within ISO (the International Organization for Standardization), a revision is currently underway on the ISO 8: 2007 standard, Documentation -- Presentation of periodicals. This standard "Sets out rules intended to enable editors and publishers to present periodicals in a form which will facilitate their use. Following these rules should help editors and publishers to bring order and clarity to their own work. These requirements are of varying importance and some may go against certain artistic, technical or advertising considerations." The revision will expand the document to address e-journals as well as print publications, and is being chaired by Regina Reynolds (ISSN Coordinator, Library of Congress), a member of the PIE-J Working Group.
    This joint NISO effort includes both the Phase I KBART Recommended Practice, which recommends some best practices for formatting and distributing title lists, and the current KBART Phase II Working Group, which will develop a second recommended practice to build on the initial recommendations delivered for Phase I of the KBART project in order to effect smoother interaction between members of the knowledge base supply chain. Whereas the Phase I report provided minimum recommendations to reach this goal, the Phase II report will focus on the more advanced, complex issues that cause problems in this area, as defined in the “Next Steps” portion of the Phase I report.
  • Project TRANSFER
    This NISO project (originally developed by UKSG) supports the Transfer Code of Practice, which "responds to the expressed needs of the scholarly journal community for consistent guidelines to help publishers ensure that journal content remains easily accessible by librarians and readers when there is a transfer between parties, and to ensure that the transfer process occurs with minimum disruption." See $%&Transfer.
  • Supplemental Journal Article Materials Project
    This joint NISO/NFAIS effort aims to develop a recommended practice for publisher inclusion, handling, display, and preservation of supplemental journal article materials. The project has two working groups that are coordinating to address these issues, a Business Working Group and a Technical Working Group. See
  • Vanderbilt Principles
    The "Best Practices for Ejournals: Publication and Website Design Guidelines" provided by Ann Ercelawn, serials cataloger, Vanderbilt University in August 2005, provides 14 best practice recommendations. It builds from the ISSN work, "What's in a Name," as well as the NISO/NFAIS February 20, 2000 Standards Workshop, "Electronic Journals: Best Practices" and the report available from that event.