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Transfer Alerting Service

This service has been designed to facilitate communication of journal transfers. The service is made up of the following:

  • The Journal Transfer Notification Database. This database allows librarians and other interested parties to search for details of journal transfers announced through the Transfer Alerting Service and acts as an archive of transfer information supplied by publishers using the service. Searches can be by title, keyword, or ISSN.
  • The Transfer Notification List:  Librarians, information professionals and any other organizations with an interest in journal transfers are encouraged to sign up to the list. Every time a journal transfer is announced using the Transfer Alerting Service, registrants on the Transfer Notification List receive e-mail alerts detailing the journal(s) involved, bibliographic information, and contact details for the publishers involved.  Sign up to the email list.
  • The Transfer Notification RSS Feed. This feed stores information from publishers about previous journal transfers, and acts as an archive of transfer information supplied by publishers using the service.

Endorsing Publishers Register Transferred Titles through the ISSN Portal

This slide deck and video explain how a receiving publisher can report a title transfer on the ISSN Portal.  Publishers must first endorse the Transfer Code of Practice.  Please contact the Co-Chairs of the Transfer Standing Committee to sign up.  Endorsing publishers will subsequently be assigned credentials for the ISSN Portal.

Currently a bulk upload option is not directly available through the service. Publishers may contact the ISSN International Centre at to make the necessary arrangements.