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NISO Professional Development Events in October 2016

NISO Professional Development Events in October 2016

September 2016

NISO Virtual Conference: E-Books
Wednesday, October 5
11 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., EDT

For more specifics on what will be covered throughout the day and how to register, please visit the event page.

While the growth of digital books in the broader market has slowed, it has settled as a significant portion of the popular book market. Packages of scholarly e-monographs and the availability of e-book collections for the library market continue to increase as publishers become more comfortable with offering material via library channels. While the market for e-books matures, the systems for managing delivery of the titles continue to develop. Dominant players still remain, but other entrants are providing innovative solutions for publishers and libraries. During this virtual conference, we will explore the changes underway in the marketplace for electronic books and how those developments impact the availability to patrons of digital books. In addition to business trends, the interconnected issues of content forms, platforms, and devices for accessing e-books will also be covered.

NISO Webinar: Internet of Things
Wednesday, October 19
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., EDT

For details of scope and how to register, please visit the NISO event page.

The decrease in the cost of sensors and the connectivity necessary to support them have given rise to a network of interconnected devices. This network, often called the Internet of Things (IoT), creates a variety of information management challenges. For the library and publishing communities, the IoT presents opportunities and challenges regarding the gathering, organization, and processing of the tremendous amounts of data the IoT generates. This session will introduce concepts and potential implications of the IoT on the information management community.

NISO/ICSTI Joint Webinar: Enabling Innovations for Researcher Workflows and Scholarly Communication
Wednesday, October 26
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., EDT

For details as to scope and how to register, please visit the NISO event page.

(Please note this October 26 event is not part of the regularly scheduled NISO webinar series, included as a benefit of NISO LSA membership; it requires a separate registration fee.)

This webinar focuses on the usage of the innovative tools that have been developed to facilitate information sharing and collaboration in the scholarly world. Presenters will address the need for consensus among stakeholders in differing scientific communities on the principles needed to guide implementation so as to positively impact research practice, openness, efficiency, reproducibility, and quality of outcomes.

Confirmed speakers: Cameron Neylon, Centre for Culture and Technology, Curtin University; Jeroen Bosman and Bianca Kramer, both of Utrecht University, The Netherlands; and Alex Viggio, University of Colorado - Boulder.