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Jeff Gallant

Affordable Learning Georgia Visiting Program Officer for OER

Jeff Gallant joined the Reference Services department at Odum Library (Valdosta State University) in 2010 as the Electronic Resources Librarian. This role included coordination of the library website’s user experience testing. In 2014, GALILEO, Georgia’s Virtual Library, selected Jeff as the full-time Visiting Program Officer for Open Educational Resources in Affordable Learning Georgia, the University System of Georgia’s new initiative to lower the cost of textbooks and improve student success and satisfaction. Jeff currently organizes and creates the initiative’s website content, coordinates the Textbook Transformation Grants program, produces promotional videos, manages communications including a weekly newsletter, coordinates an online training and development series, and presents and speaks regularly at conferences and events. Jeff has been a longtime advocate of open access and web usability in libraries, and has a background in instruction, previously teaching full courses and lessons spanning kindergarten to college educational levels. Jeff earned his Master of Library and Information Science Degree from Simmons College in Boston, MA.