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ICSTI-NISO Joint Webinar: Text and Data Mining: The Way Forward as Seen by the Library, Publisher, and Research Communities

ICSTI-NISO Joint Webinar

June 2016

Thursday, June 30
10:00 A.M. - 11:30 AM, EST

Text and Data Mining (TDM) facilitates the discovery, selection, structuring, and analysis of large numbers of documents or sets of data, enabling the visualization of results in new ways to support innovation and the development of new knowledge. In both academia and commercial contexts, TDM is increasingly recognized as a means to extract, re-use, and leverage additional value from published information, by linking concepts, addressing specific questions, and creating efficiencies. But TDM in practice is not straightforward. TDM methodology and use are fast changing but are not yet matched by the development of enabling policies.

This webinar provides a review of where we are today with TDM, as seen from the perspective of the researcher, library, and licensing-publisher communities.

Confirmed speakers include: Audrey McCulloch, Chief Executive, Association of Learned Professional and Society Publishers (ALPSP) and Director of the Publishers Licensing Society; Michael Levine-Clark, Dean and Director of Libraries, University of Denver; Jeremy Frey, Professor of Physical Chemistry, Head of Computational Systems Chemistry, University of Southampton, UK; and Ellen Finnie, Head, Scholarly Communications & Collections Strategy, MIT Libraries.

Please note that this event is not part of the regularly scheduled NISO webinar series included in the LSA NISO membership and requires a separate registration fee. To register, please visit the event page.