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Emerging Tools To Improve Management of Data

Training Thursdays

About The Training

This Training Thursday will provide a detailed description of some of the newly developed services and tools for collecting and curating research data. Projects in development and newly released will be the focus of this session. Presentations will focus on implementation and systems deployment of these services at your institution. 

This session is meant to be a guided, step-by-step session that will follow the Wednesday, August 31 NISO Virtual Conference: Data Curation - Cultivating Past Research Data for Future Consumption.

Event Sessions

Leveling Up Data Management


Kristen Briney

Data Services Librarian
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

There are many tools available for leveling up one's skills in the data management game (a game where players win by avoiding data loss and pocketing as many coins as possible). This talk will review tools in areas such as storage, file naming, and data clean up, and suggest strategies for battling data bosses that researchers may encounter during gameplay.

Referenced in Dr. Briney's talk today: One in Five Scientific Papers on Genes Contains Errors Because of Excel, by Catalin Cimpanu, published on Softpedia on August 24, 2016;

(See also, Gene Name Errors are Widespread in the Scientific Literature, Mark Ziemann, Yotam Eren and Assam El-Osta, Genome Biology 2016 17:177  DOI: 10.1186/s13059-016-1044-7 © The Author(s). 2016, published on August 23, 2016

Know Your Audience: Knowing what tools belong to which players


Jenny Muilenburg

Research Data Services Coordinator
University of Washington Libraries

There are a multitude of tools and services data librarians can offer as part of a larger data services program. But since many data services librarians are charged with serving both library staff as well as campus researchers, knowing which ones to highlight for each group can be challenging. This talk will focus on how to determine what tools will help library staff promote data management, and will highlight some strategies for selecting and promoting data management tools to local researchers.

Developing Campus Stakeholders’ Collaborations and Data Management Plan Confidence


Plato Smith

Data Management Librarian
University of Florida

Increasingly, researchers are required to develop data management plans detailing the aggregation, dissemination, and preservation of their research. This is particularly true for federally-funded research. The funding, managing, and sharing of research data involve multiple stakeholders throughout the data lifecycle. This talk will introduce the participants to some (1) key stakeholders responsible for effective data management, (2) key components of a data management plan, (3) key data lifecycle processes involved in a data management plan, (4) infrastructure and resources assets to include in a data management plan, and (5) select tools to assist researchers in managing data throughout the life of a research project.

Referenced in Dr. Smith's talk today: The Open Source Platform in use at the University of Florida for their institutional repository is SOBEK

Additional Information


  • Registrants will receive detailed instructions about accessing the virtual conference via e-mail the Friday prior to the event. (Anyone registering between Monday and the close of registration will receive the message shortly after the registration is received, within normal business hours.) Due to the widespread use of spam blockers, filters, out of office messages, etc., it is your responsibility to contact the NISO office if you do not receive login instructions before the start of the webinar.

  • If you have not received your Login Instruction e-mail by 10 a.m. (ET) on the day before the virtual conference, please contact the NISO office at for immediate assistance.

  • Registration is per site (access for one computer) and includes access to the online recorded archive of the conference. You may have as many people as you like from the registrant's organization view the conference from that one connection. If you need additional connections, you will need to enter a separate registration for each connection needed.

  • If you are registering someone else from your organization, either use that person's e-mail address when registering or contact to provide alternate contact information.

  • Conference presentation slides and Q&A will be posted to this event webpage following the live conference.

  • Registrants will receive an e-mail message containing access information to the archived conference recording within 48 hours after the event. This recording access is only to be used by the registrant's organization.

For Online Events

  • NISO has developed a quick tutorial, How to Participate in a NISO Web Event. Please view the recording, which is an overview of the web conferencing system and will help to answer the most commonly asked questions regarding participating in an online Webex event.
  • You will need a computer for the presentation and Q&A.

  • Audio is available through the computer (broadcast) and by telephone. We recommend you have a set-up for telephone audio as back-up even if you plan to use the broadcast audio as the voice over Internet isn't always 100% reliable.

Please check your system in advance to make sure it meets the Cisco WebEx requirements. It is your responsibility to ensure that your system is properly set up before each webinar begins.