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Ensuring the Scholarly Record: Webinar on Retractions and Scientific Reproducibility

Ensuring the Scholarly Record: Webinar on Retractions and Scientific Reproducibility

January 2016

Science is often referred to as a self-correcting system and scholarly communications are meant to play an important role in that process. By describing the steps that have been undertaken, others can verify the work by replicating it, testing its validity, and applying it themselves, thereby building upon it. Recently, questions have arisen about the scholarly record, with revelations about false data, erroneous processes, and irreproducible research.

Are there problems with the peer review process that are allowing more faulty research into publication? Is the availability and discoverability of content making it simply more visible to the scholarly marketplace? Once content is retracted, what practices should be implemented to identify retracted materials as having been withdrawn? How is retraction information communicated and are corrections to the scholarly record connected in an obvious way?

In this webinar to be held on January 13 from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. ET, attendees will learn more about the ways in which scholars, publishers and libraries are working to ensure the trustworthiness of the scholarly record.

  • Retractions, Post-Publication Peer Review, and Fraud: Scientific Publishing's Wild West Ivan Oransky, Co-Founder, Retraction Watch
  • Life After Publication — Reproducibility Challenges and the Role of Publishers Veronique Viermer, Ph.D., Executive Editor, PLOS
  • Trust Through Transparency — Why the Quality (and Quantity) of Publishers' Metadata Matters Kirsty Meddings, Product Manager, CrossRef

For more information and to register, visit the event webpage.

January 18 NISO Open Teleconference: Standards in Review

The NISO January Open Teleconference will be held at 3 pm on Monday, January 18 (postponed one week due to ALA Midwinter). This month, Associate Director for Programs Nettie Lagace will discuss several standards that are now before NISO Voting Members for review: ANSI/NISO Z39.18-2005 (R2010) Scientific and Technical Reports - Preparation, Presentation, and Preservation, ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2005 (R2010) Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies, ANSI/NISO Z39.29-2005 (R2010) Bibliographic References, and ANSI/NISO/ISO 12083-1995 (R2010) Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup. More information about connecting to this event is available on the NISO website.