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TC 46 2012 Year in Review

TC 46 2012 Year in Review

March 2013

NISO has been the U.S. liaison group for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee 46 (TC 46) on Information and Documentation for decades. Officially designated by ANSI as the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for TC46, NISO submits the U.S. votes and comments on all TC46 standards, based on the ballot results from the U.S. TC46 TAG members. (NISO voting members that are incorporated (or otherwise legally registered) in the U.S. are members of the TAG.)

In 2012, NISO submitted U.S. votes and comments on 12 draft standards, 17 systematic reviews, and 6 new work items. Additionally, comments were provided on 2 standards from other ISO committees that are in a liaison relationship with TC46. This article summarizes the work of TC46 and its four subcommittees during 2012.

TC46 Information and Documentation

Secretariat: Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR)

The TC46 plenary meeting was held on May 11, 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

Systematic review completed; standard confirmation pending:

ISO18:1981,Documentation – Contents list of periodicals
ISO215:1986, Documentation – Presentation of contributions to periodicals and other serials
ISO1086:1991, Information and documentation – Title leaves of books
ISO2384:1977,Documentation – Presentation of translations
ISO5122:1979,Documentation – Abstract sheets in serial publications
ISO5123:1984,Documentation – Headers for microfiche of monographs and serials
ISO6357:1985,Documentation – Spine titles on books and other publications
ISO7144:1986,Documentation – Presentation of theses and similar documents
ISO7275:1985,Documentation – Presentation of title information of series
ISO15924:2004,Information and documentation – Codes for the representation of names of scripts

Projects underway:

Revision of ISO 8, Documentation – Presentation of periodicals
Revision of ISO 3602, Information and documentation – Romanization of Japanese (kana script)
Revision of ISO 7098, Information and documentation – Romanization of Chinese
Revision of ISO 11799, Information and documentation – Document storage requirements for archive and library materials
ISO/NPTS 18344, Recommendation on methods of validating the success of deacidification processes for printed and handwritten documents

New Liaisons: ISO TC 130 – Graphic Technology

SC4 Technical Interoperability

Secretariat: Finnish Standards Association (SFS)

The TC46 plenary meeting was held on May 8, 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

Projects underway:

ISO/NP 18626, Information and documentation – Interlibrary Loan Transactions [to ultimately replace the existing ILL standards ISO 10160, 10161-1, and 10161-2]

Revision of ISO 21127, Information and documentation – A reference ontology for the interchange of cultural heritage information

Revision of ISO 25577:2008, Information and documentation – MarcXchange

ISO/TS 28560-4, Information and documentation – RFID in libraries – Part 4: Encoding of data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962 in an RFID tag with partitioned memory

ISO/NP 28560-5, Information and documentation – RFID in libraries – Part 5: unique item identifier (UII) for libraries

SC8 Quality Statistics and Performance Evaluation

Secretariat: Deutsches Institute für Normung (DIN)

The SC8 plenary meeting was held May 10, 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

Standards published:

ISO/TR 11219:2012, Information and documentation – Qualitative conditions and basic statistics for library buildings – Space, function and design

Standards approved, publication pending:

Revision of ISO 2789, Information and documentation International library statistics

ISO/TR 14873, Information and documentation – Statistics and quality issues for web archiving

Projects underway:

Revision of ISO 11620, Information and documentation – Library performance indicators

ISO/NP16439, Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries

ISO/NP 18461, International museum statistics

SC9 Identification and description

Secretariat: ANSI/NISO

The SC9 plenary meeting was held on May 9, 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

Standards published:

ISO 26324:2012, Information and documentation – Digital object identifier system

ISO 27729:2012, Information and documentation – International standard name identifier (ISNI)

ISO 27730:2012, Information and documentation – International standard collection identifier (ISCI)

Standards approved, publication pending:

ISO 25964-2, Information and documentation – Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies – Part 2: Interoperability with other vocabularies

SC11 Archives and Records Management

Secretariat: Standards Australia (SA)

The SC11 plenary meeting was held May 10, 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

Standards published:

ISO 13008:2012, Information and documentation – Digital records conversion and migration process

ISO/TR 17068:2012, Information and documentation – Trusted third party repository for digital records

Projects underway:

Revision of ISO15489-1:2001, Information and documentation – Records management – Part 1: General

Standards confirmed:

ISO 832:1994, Information and documentation – Bibliographic description and references – Rules for the abbreviation of bibliographic terms

Systematic review completed; standard confirmation pending:
ISO 7220:1996, Information and documentation – Presentation of catalogues of standards

Projects underway:

Revision of ISO 3901, Information and documentation – International Standard Recording Code (ISRC)

Revision of ISO15707:2001, Information and documentation – International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC)

ISO/NP17316, Information and documentation – International standard document link

Revision of ISO/TR 15489-2:2001, Information and documentation – Records management – Part 2: Guidelines

ISO/DTR 18128, Information and documentation–Risk assessment for records processes and systems

ISO/DTR 18800, Information and documentation– Implementation guidelines for disposition of records

New work item pending:

ISO/NWI 30302, MSR Guidelines for implementation

Projects suspended:

ISO/WI 23081-4,How to implement metadata for records

ISO/WD 30304, MSR Guidance for performance and audit