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Clifford Lynch and Others on Preservation of Born-Digital Materials

Clifford Lynch and Others on Preservation of Born-Digital Materials

December 2017

In “Stewardship in the 'Age of Algorithms',” a paper released in First Monday this week, NISO Fellow and CNI Director Clifford Lynch discusses the problem of preserving the experience of the Internet as well as its contents.

For a sample of Lynch’s other talks and writings on preservation, see slides from NISO’s recent conversation with him during our virtual conference “Institutional Repositories: Insuring Yours is Populated, Useful, and Thriving”; a CNI page listing his talks; and this video from “Dodging the Memory Hole” in which he discusses the preservation of born-digital news.

Those of you interested in the history of digital preservation may also enjoy a look back at a related themed issue of NISO’s Information Standards Quarterly, which features articles such as Mary Molinaro’s “How Do You Know What You Don’t Know? Digital Preservation Education” and case studies from the National Archives and the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative.