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Standards in Development: November 15, 2011

Standards in Development

September 2011

In Development or Revision

Listed below are the NISO working groups that are currently developing new or revised standards, recommended practices, or reports. refer to the NISO website ( and the Newsline quarterly supplements, Working Group Connection (, for updates on the working group activities.

DAISY Revision
NISO Z39.86-201x, Part A, Authoring and Interchange Framework

Co-chairs: Markus Gylling, George Kerscher
Finalizing for publication following the DSFTU period.

Digital Bookmarking and Annotation Sharing
Working group being formed.

ERM Data Standards & Best Practices Review
Co-chairs: Ivy Anderson, Tim Jewell
Technical report in development.

Institutional Identifiers (I²)
Co-chairs: Grace Agnew, Oliver Pesch
Recommended Practice regarding the use of the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) for institutional identifiers in development.

Improving OpenURLs through Analytics (IOTA)
Chair: Adam Chandler
Technical Report in development.

Knowledge Base and Related Tools (KBART) Phase II
Joint project with UKSG
Co-chairs: Andreas Biedenbach, Sarah Pearson
Phase II recommended Practice in development.

Open Discovery Initiative
Working group being formed.

Physical Delivery of Library Materials
Co-chairs: Valerie Horton, Diana Sachs-Silveira
NISO-RP-12-201x, Physical delivery of library materials
Finalizing for publication following the public comment period.

Presentation and Identification of e-Journals (PIE-J)
Co-chairs: Bob Boissy, Cindy Hepfer
Recommended Practice in development.

RFID for Library Applications Revision
Co-chairs: Vinod Chachra, Paul Sevcik
NISO RP-6-201x, RFID in U.S. Libraries
Finalizing for publication following the public comment period.

Shared Electronic Resource Understanding (SERU)
Co-chairs: Judy Luther, Selden Lamoureux, Karla Strieb
NISO RP-7-201x, Shared electronic Resource Understanding (SERU)
Revision to Recommended Practice in development.

Standardized Markup for Journal Articles
Co-chairs: Jeff Beck, B. Tommie Usdin
Z39.96-201x, JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite
Finalizing for publication following the DSFTU period.

SUSHI (Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative)
Standing committee
Co-chairs: Oliver Pesch, Bob McMillan
NISO RP-14-201x, NISO SUSHI Protocol: COUNTER-SUSHI Implementation Profile
to be issued for public comment from December 1, 2011–January 20, 2012.

Supplemental Journal Article Materials
Joint project with NFAIS
Co-chairs Business working group: Linda Beebe, Marie McVeigh
Co-chairs Technical Working Group: Dave Martinsen, Alexander (Sasha) Schwarzman

Recommended Practice in Development.

Z39.7 Standing Committee
Chair: Martha Kyrillidou
NISO Z39.7-201x, Information Services and Use: Metrics & Statistics for Libraries and Information Providers — Data Dictionary Revision in Development.