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June 11 Open Teleconference: PIE-J

Open Teleconference

NISO's next monthly open teleconference in 2018 will be Monday, June 11th at 3:00 PM Eastern time. The topic for this call will be PIE-J, also known as NISO RP-16-2013, PIE-J: The Presentation & Identification of E-Journals.  Joining us will be the chair of the PIE-J Standing Committee, Sally Glasser of Hostra University. All NISO Open Teleconferences are open to everyone!

The PIE-J Recommended Practice was developed to provide guidance on the presentation of e-journals--particularly in the areas of title presentation, accurate use of ISSN, and citation practices--to publishers and platform providers, as well as to solve some long-standing concerns of serials, collections, and electronic resources librarians. In addition to the recommendations, the document includes extensive examples of good practices using screenshots from various publishers' online journals platforms; a discussion of helpful resources for obtaining title history and ISSN information; an overview of the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) and key points for using it correctly; an explanation of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI®), the registration agency Crossref, and tips on using DOIs for journal title management; and a review of related standards and recommended practices.

Event Sessions


The recording for this teleconference is now available:

Audio Recording, June 11 2018 Open Teleconference, NISO PIE-J