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NISO Members Announce Leadership Team for 2018-2019 Term

Baltimore, MD - June 22, 2018 - Members of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announce their board's leadership for the 2018-2019 term, which will begin on July 1, 2018. Marian Hollingsworth, Director of Publisher Relations, Clarivate Analytics has been elected to serve as the incoming Vice Chair. She will transition into the role of Chair in the 2019-2020 term next July. Keith Webster, Dean of University Libraries at Carnegie Mellon University becomes Chair of NISO for the 2018-19 term, after serving as Vice Chair over the past twelve months.

"The information community benefits enormously from the depth of expertise and understanding that these professionals bring to the collaborative work at NISO," says NISO Executive Director Todd Carpenter. "Whether we’re discussing user authentication in navigating to a resource or manuscript exchange between publisher platforms, the most robust solutions emerge from the shared perspectives of all of our members.”

Webster has long been a leader within NISO, having served as a Director and holding the position of Treasurer. His industry experience encompasses work in the commercial publishing sector (Vice President and Director of Academic Relations and Strategy, John Wiley & Sons) as well as the academic library environment. He has held the role of University Librarian at the Victoria University in New Zealand and at the University of Queensland, Australia.

In talking about his on-going role with the NISO Board, Webster notes, “NISO sensibly continues to emphasize the need for cross-sector collaboration in achieving workable solutions. Seeing how such understanding and accommodation is achieved in satisfying the needs and values of libraries as well as those of information and technology providers is encouraging. It cements our mutual interest in and support for research and scholarship”

Similarly, Marian Hollingsworth understands both the provider perspective as well as the library perspective. Prior to joining Clarivate (then Thomson Reuters) in 2000, Hollingsworth was Assistant Director at the National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS), a global membership organization for content and technology providers. Her career also includes over 20 years of management experience in academic, special and public libraries.

Says Hollingsworth, “I look forward to supporting this kind of industry collaboration, working with Keith and other members of NISO to resolve our common concerns. By fostering the acceptance and adoption of standards and serving the common interests of information providers, distributors and libraries, the NISO membership ensures the highest quality of information resources, tools and platforms.”

In addition, on the basis of the recent election, the following individuals will be serving as Directors on the NISO Board:

  • Wendy Queen, Director, Project Muse/Johns Hopkins University Press
  • Maria Stanton, Director of Production, American Theological Library Association (ATLA)
  • Chuck Thomas, Executive Director, USMAI Library Consortium

They will join Marian Hollingsworth, Keith Webster and the following industry professionals currently serving on the NISO Board during the 2018-2019 term:

Immediate Past Chair:
Chris Shillum

Vice President, Product Management Platform and Content
Reed Elsevier


Gerry Grenier
Director of Publishing Technologies

Evan Owens
Vice President, Publishing Technologies
Cenveo Publisher Services

Greg Suprock
Head of Solutions Architecture
Apex CoVantage, LLC

Miranda Walker
Senior Publisher, Health Learning, Research & Practice
Wolters Kluwer Health

Robert Wheeler
Director, Publishing Technologies
American Society of Mechanical Engineers

About NISO
NISO, based in Baltimore, Maryland, fosters the development and maintenance of standards that facilitate the creation, persistent management, and effective interchange of information so that it can be trusted for use in research and learning. To fulfill this mission, NISO engages libraries, publishers, information aggregators, and other organizations that support learning, research, and scholarship through the creation, organization, management, and curation of knowledge. NISO works with intersecting communities of interest and across the entire lifecycle of information standards. NISO is a not-for-profit association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For more information, visit the NISO website.