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September 10 Open Teleconference: NISO E-Book Metadata Working Group

Open Teleconference

NISO's Fall 2018 open teleconference season opens on Monday, September 10th at 3:00 PM Eastern time. The topic for this call will be the NISO E-Book Metadata Working Group, which is now drafting a NISO Recommended Practice. All NISO Open Teleconferences are open to everyone!

E-Book Metadata Working Group co-chairs Ravit David of Scholars Portal (Ontario Council of University Libraries) and Alistair Morrison of Johns Hopkins University will join NISO staff to discuss the activities and the progress of the working group, which consists of various stakeholders in the e-book landscape. 

This NISO Working Group is studying and collecting the minimal metadata requirements necessary to describe e-books in order to support sales, discovery, delivery, deaccessioning, and preservation, and identify the most effective and efficient way for metadata to be moved through the entire supply chain. This project will help the creators and managers of bibliographic records to cooperate to minimize duplication of work and ensure overall quality of metadata.

Event Sessions


Ravit David

Distinctive Collections Librarian, Scholars Portal
University of Toronto Libraries

Alistair Morrison

Manager of Library Applications
Johns Hopkins University, Sheridan Libraries

The recording for this teleconference is now available:

Audio Recording, Sept 10, 2018 Open Teleconference, NISO E-Book Metadata Working Group