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Jeremy Nelson

Metadata and Systems Librarian at Colorado College

Jeremy Nelson is the Metadata and Systems Librarian at Colorado Collegeand is the principle developer and project manager for the Python and Django based Bibliographic and Semantic Redis Library Services Platform. He has written a number of scholarly articles about using NoSQL and Python in Academic Libraries including, FRBRizing an E-Library : Migrating from Dublin Core to FRBR and MODS and Building a Library App Portfolio with Redis and Django.

He has also presented at local, regional, and national library conferences on the Redis Library Services Platform such as - Code4Lib 2012- Seattle, WA. - NoSQL Bibliographic Records: Implementing a Native FRBR Datastore with RedisCode4Lib 2013 - Chicago, IL. Evolving Towards a Consortium BIBFRAME Redis Datastore, and at the Library of Congress BIBFRAME Forum at the American Library Association's 2013 annual conference in Chicago, Experimenting with BIBFRAME & Redis.

He is currently writing a book, Lean Development for Library Systems, on using Lean startup principles in academic and public libraries, to be published by Chandos Publishing in the later part of 2014.