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NISO/BISG 6th Annual Forum: The Changing Standards Landscape

Conferences Attending

E-Books: Describe and Identify, Search and Discover, Comply and Use


For the sixth consecutive year, NISO and BISG will co-host The Changing Standards Landscape during the 2012 American Library Association Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA.

This year's program will focus on common concerns of and solutions for publishers and libraries in the critical areas of e-book identification, metadata and description, discovery, and rights management.

E-books have existed in the library and publishing communities for over a decade, but it is only in the last few years that their use has exploded and moved to significantly affect the ways that both of these groups do business both internally and externally. As new product launches, stiff competition, user needs, and new business models become apparent, libraries and publishers are aware that many existing processes need to change significantly and new opportunities need to be recognized.

This program will explore how the publishing and library communities are facing the new digital marketplace, with a special focus on the standards that underlie the e-book supply chain. Rather than concentrate on differences and divergent needs, this forum will highlight the commonalities between publishers and libraries and what each group can learn from the other. In this way, we hope to draw out where common approaches can solve communal problems.

Event Sessions

Networking and Coffee

12:00 - 12:30 p.m

Welcome and Introductions


12:30 - 12:45 p.m

Every Time You Say ‘eISBN’, A Kitten Bleeds


12:45 - 1:15 p.m:

The ambiguity of digital books and formats has led to a lot of confusion as to how to identify these books across the industry – both in libraries and in commerce. We’ll take a look at the BISG policy paper on identifying digital products, cover some best practices, and reduce the general incoherence around ebooks and ISBNs.

Making and Moving Metadata: Two Library of Congress Initiatives


1:15 - 1:45 p.m:

McCallum will present two recent programs of the Library of Congress that have standards implications and will be of interest to the publishing community: the CIP for e-books pilot and the Bibliographic Framework Initiative. They involve "making and moving" metadata, crucial activities in the library community.

Coffee Break

1:45 - 2:15 p.m



2:15 - 2:45 p.m

Advancing Discovery Services: The NISO Open Discovery Initiative (ODI)


2:45 - 3:15 p.m:

“Web-scale” library discovery services, based on a central index of content, were first introduced three years ago, aiming to help library users efficiently explore the vast scholarly information landscape available to them and find the most relevant, credible, quality information that deserves their time and attention. While the initial focus of such services was on access to journal articles, significant numbers of ebooks are now included in the indexes.

As discovery services develop and are widely deployed, particularly by academic libraries around the world, some issues and concerns have been raised by the various stakeholders. For example, libraries have expressed difficulty in understanding the breadth and depth of the content indexed in the different services, discovery service vendors would like to streamline some of the interactions with the information providers, and information providers are anxious to ensure that their content is indexed and presented appropriately. The NISO Open Discovery Initiative (ODI), with members from all representative groups, was launched early this year to address some of these issues. This session will report on the work of this group.

This session will also provide the perspective of Ex Libris, one of the vendors offering such a discovery service.

Futures of Content Usage and Compliance


Skott Klebe

Manager of Special Initiatives, Copyright Clearance Center
Copyright Clearance Center

3:15 - 3:45 p.m:

Everything changes more than we expect. Right now, the ways we store, access, and use content are changing more rapidly than they have for hundreds of years.

We will take a look at where current digital content trends are taking us in three important arenas: licensing, usage tracking, and DRM.

We’ll examine what standards are trying to lead us into new modes of content access, and how to think about the kinds of future that we want.

Wrap-up and Closing


3:45 - 4:00 p.m

Additional Information

The Changing Standards Landscape is jointly organized by the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) and the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). Both organizations support, promote and maintain standards and best practices in the information community. NISO focuses on publishers, libraries, and the systems suppliers in information distribution. BISG focuses on the book supply chain of publishers, manufacturers, and wholesale and retail suppliers.