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NISO Standards Update at ALA

Conferences Attending

About this Event

NISO will be holding its annual Standards Update session during the ALA Conference on Sunday, June 24, 2012, from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Although library software is now undergoing many major shifts, almost all of NISO's current work still affects, and is affected by, what's going on in the software that libraries and their patrons utilize. Come hear about the challenges in the current landscape, the new requirements which are now apparent, and how NISO participants are responding to the need for new standards and best practices.

This session is free and open to the public. No registration is required. Visit the NISO@ALA Annual 2012 webpage for more information on this session and other standards-related programs at ALA. Stop in and visit us at booth #627.

Event Sessions

Welcome and Introduction


1:30 - 1:50 p.m

How and Why Librarians Must Participate in Shaping the Future of Library Management Systems


Carl Grant

Chief Technology Officer and Associate University Librarian for Knowledge Services
University of Oklahoma

1:50 - 2:10 p.m:

This talk is going to look at the major trends in library systems, the major trends in librarianship and identify areas where librarians need to be actively involved to ensure that systems will support where the profession is heading. Looking at major trends including hosting, cloud computing, discovery, demand-driven acquisitions, resource management and others, this talk will provide a brief overview of efforts underway, as well as areas where efforts are needed.

ERM Data Review: Gap Analysis Project


2:10 - 2:25 p.m:

Jewell will discuss the work of, and the final report from, the NISO ERM Data Standards and Best Practices Review Working Group, Making Good on the Promise of ERM: A Standards and Best Practices Discussion Paper, which was published earlier this year. The document details gap analysis that the group performed in five categories: Link Resolvers and Knowledge Bases; The Work, Manifestations, and Access Points; Cost and Usage-Related Data; License Terms and Defining Consensus; and Data Exchange Using Institutional Identifiers, and explains its recommendations for further action in these areas.



Rob Walsh

Maintenance Agency Representative, EnvisionWare

2:25 - 2:45 p.m:

NCIP (NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol, also known as Z39.83) is a North American standard with implementations in the US, Canada, and many other countries around the world. NCIP services facilitate the automation of tasks, the exchange of data, the ability to provide information to library staff, and the empowerment of patrons. Each service is comprised of a request from an initiating application and a reply from a responding application. It is possible for a single software application to play both the initiation and responding roles, but typically there are at least two applications involved. The NCIP Standing Committee reviews status of implementations and other general business on monthly calls, and reviews ongoing updates to NCIP. Dicus and Walsh will provide an update on the group's latest activities.

A new project to formalize the Standard Interchange Protocol (SIP) has recently been approved by NISO Voting members. The SIP protocol provides a mechanism for Integrated Library Systems (ILS) applications and self-service devices to communicate seamlessly to perform self-service transactions. Walsh will report on the next steps for this standardization project.

Open Discovery Initiative


2:45 - 3:00 p.m:

The Open Discovery Initiative (ODI) aims at defining standards and/or best practices for the new generation of library discovery services that are based on indexed search. As one of its first activities, the work group developed a revised version of its charge, ensuring that it covered all the major tasks within the understood scope of the initiative and that it addressed issues related to each of the major stakeholder groups: publishers, discovery service creators, and libraries. The workgroup has now entered its information gathering phase. Task groups consisting of working group members have been organized and leaders appointed to reach out to interested parties involved with each of the stakeholder groups to identify issues, problems, or other points of information the workgroup needs to have at its disposal as it develops its recommendations or proposals.

New NISO Work Item: Recommended Practices for Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) of Monographs


Michael Levine-Clark

Dean and Director of the University of Denver Libraries
University of Denver Libraries

3:00 - 3:15 p.m:

NISO Voting Members are currently evaluating a new work item proposal for the creation of a Recommended Practice in the area of demand-driven acquisition (DDA). The outcome of this vote will be available the week before ALA. DDA allows libraries to provide users with immediate access to a wide range of titles to be purchased at the point of need, and many libraries are using e-book aggregators and approval vendors to implement DDA plans for some portion of their monograph collections. As it is clear that DDA will be adopted on some scale by libraries, publishers, vendors, and librarians need to help shape practices and tools in a way that allows the scholarly communication supply chain to continue to function effectively. The goal of the working group, if approved, will be to develop a flexible model for DDA that works for publishers, vendors, aggregators, and libraries. This model will allow libraries to develop DDA plans that meet differing local collecting and budgetary needs while also allowing consortial participation and cross-aggregator implementation.

Additional NISO Initiatives; Wrap-up


3:15 - 3:30 p.m

Additional Information

To view the NISO Events at Anaheim: ALA 2012 Annual Conference, click here.

To view events at the 2012 Midwinter Meeting, click here.

To view the NISO/BISG forum: The Changing Standards Landscape, click here.