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Rebecca Seger

Director, Institutional Sales, Americas, Oxford University Press

Rebecca Seger

Rebecca Seger , the Institutional Sales Director for OUP, has been working with libraries for her entire career, currently leading the OUP team that works with and sells to all types of libraries and consortia in North and South America. Rebecca has been with OUP for 12 years, and Rebecca has focused on the product development, sales and marketing of ebooks, databases and journals to and for the academic and library community, and has been part of the product teams that have created such products as University Press Scholarship Online, Oxford Reference Online, and the new Oxford Scholarly Editions Online. She is the past chair of the Association of American Publishers/American Library Association Joint Committee and has spoken often on a wide range of library/publisher-related issues at industry gatherings, including the Charleston Conference, American Library Association, NFAIS, ER&L, and Association of American Publishers/PSP Division seminars.