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NISO Altmetrics Project - Washington DC Meeting 2013

Second In-person Meeting

NISO hosted the second of three free and open in-person meetings in support of this work on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 in Washington, DC.. The objective of this gathering, as well as planned future meetings (see below), is to elicit and prioritize themes for greater discussion over the coming months. 

Event Sessions


8:30 am



9:15 am: Background and What We Hope to Achieve

Do We need Standards for Alternative Metrics?



9:45 am

Lightning Talks on Related Projects (5 min each, speakers listed alphabetically)


Kenning Arlitch

Dean of the Library, Montana State University
Montana State University

Jeff Baer

Vice-President, Operations, Research Solutions, Proquest

David Lowe

Data Management Services Librarian, University of Connecticut Libraries
University of Connecticut Libraries


  • Kenning Arlitch, Dean of the Library, Montana State University: Altmetrics for Institutional Repositories: Are the metadata ready?
  • Jeff Baer, Vice-President, Operations, Research Solutions, Proquest: International Standard Name Identifier
  • Rachel Borchardt, Science Librarian, American University: How can Librarians be involved in Altmetrics?
  • William Gunn, Head of Academic Outreach, Mendeley: Snowball Metrics: Global Standards for Institutional Benchmarking
  • Michael Habib, Product Manager, Scopus, Elsevier: Researcher Awareness + Perception: A Year in Review
  • Martha Kyrillidou, Senior Director, American Research Library: MINES for Libraries
  • David Lowe, Data Management Services Librarian, University of Connecticut Libraries: The TPR Dashboard as Altmetrics' Killer App


Roger Schonfeld

Director, Libraries, Scholarly Communication, and Museums
Ithaka S+R
  • Roger Schonfeld, Program Director, Ithaka S+R
  • Bill Silberg, Director of Communications, PCORI


11:30 am

Breakout of first round of Discussion Groups

12:30 pm:

The groups will have an open discussion of their selected topics and how it plays into a future ecosystem. Depending on the topic, this could include identification of related projects, potential solutions, ongoing pilot projects and gaps in community activity related to the theme. Each group will come up with 3-6 action items related to the topic for prioritization later.

Reporting Out of Discussion Groups & All-Attendee Discussion of Reports

1:30 pm:

Each group will report on its discussions, highlighting necessary actions, gaps or areas where more information is needed.

Document: Business and Use Cases Group

Document: Discovery Group

Document: Qualitative vs. Quantitative Group

Reporting out of second round of discussion groups

3:45 pm:

All attendee discussion of reports

Wrap up & next steps

4:10 pm

Meeting adjourns

4:30 pm