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NISO Altmetrics Project – Philadelphia Meeting January 2014

Third In-person Meeting

NISO hosted the third free and open in-person meeting in support of this work on Thursday, January 23, 2014 in Philadelphia, PA. The objective of this gathering was to elicit and prioritize themes for greater discussion over the coming months. 

Event Sessions

Welcome & Around the Room Introductions

8:30 am



9:00 am:

Background and What We Hope to Achieve


9:30 am

Lightning Talks on Related Projects (5 min each, speakers listed alphabetically)


10:00 am:

  • Euan Adie, Developments at
  • Mike Buschman, Plum Analytics: State of the Union: Altmetrics Today
  • William Gunn, Mendeley: Preliminary results of a survey of Mendeley readers regarding their intents when they undertake social actions on Mendeley
  • Zhiwu Xie, Virginia Tech: Twitter Inconsistency
  • Martin Fenner, PLOS: Alternative Assessment Metrics: Connecting Researchers and Research


11:30 am

Breakout of first round of Discussion Groups

12:30 pm:

The groups will have an open discussion of their selected topics and how it plays into a future ecosystem. Depending on the topic, this could include identification of related projects, potential solutions, ongoing pilot projects and gaps in community activity related to the theme. Each group will come up with 3-6 action items related to the topic for prioritization later.

Document: Notes from Definitions Breakout Group

Document: Notes from Definitions/Standards Breakout Group

Document: Notes from the Data Integrity Breakout Group

Reporting Out of Discussion Groups & All-Attendee Discussion of Reports

1:30 pm:

Each group will report on its discussions, highlighting necessary actions, gaps or areas where more information is needed.


2:30 pm

Breakout of second round discussion groups

2:45 pm:

Document: Notes from Use Cases Group 1

Document: Notes from Use Cases Group 2

Document: Notes from Use Cases Group 3

Document: Transcription of all Post-it Notes from Brainstorming Session

Reporting out of second round of discussion groups

3:45 pm:

All attendee discussion of reports

Wrap up & next steps

4:30 pm

Meeting adjourns

5:00 pm