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NISO/BISG 5th Annual Forum: The Changing Standards Landscape

Conferences Attending

E-books: Intersections where libraries & publishers can learn from each other

Event Description

Building on four years of successful co-programming, NISO and BISG will again co-host The Changing Standards Landscape during the 2011 American Library Association Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA.

This year's FREE program will focus on common synergies between publishers and libraries in the critical areas of e-book content identification, discovery and format.

Electronic books have exploded in the past 18 months and publishing and library communities alike are struggling to deal with the constantly shifting ground. Over the past year, there has been a furious pace of new product launches, new technology, new business models, and new reading devices. These devices in users' hands has sent the pace of e-book sales skyrocketing. In different ways, the world of e-books is causing significant reorientations in both the library and publishing communities. However distinct the two communities seem at times, the issues we face have more in common then we expect.

This program will explore how both the publishing and library communities are facing the new digital marketplace, with a special focus on the standards that underlie the e-book supply chain. Rather than focus on differences and divergent needs, this forum will highlight the commonalities between publishers and libraries and what each group can learn from the other. In this way, we hope to draw out where common approaches can solve communal problems.

Event Sessions

Networking and Coffee

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

Welcome and Introductions


12:30 pm - 12:45 pm

Whither E-Books from a Publisher Perspective


Phil Madans

Director, Publishing Standards and Practices, Hachette

12:45 pm - 1:20 pm:

As the digital marketplace continues to grow, and platforms for consuming digital content continue to evolve, trade publishers are facing the need to create content that can be efficiently and nimbly multi-purposed across physical and digital products, clearly identified and described and distributed effectively through the old and new value chain. And, more than ever before, publishers are directly engaging with consumers and actively taking part in the online reading community.

To best take advantage of the opportunities of this rapidly changing environment, the Hachette Book Group has instituted a far reaching transformation in how content is perceived, products are produced and in the underlying infrastructure to support it all.

In this presentation, Phil Madans will talk about some the work going on at Hachette and how it has reinforced the need for more collaborative work workflows and the importance of using and developing industry standards for optimizing communication among all trading partners.

Coffee Break

1:55 pm - 2:15 pm

eBooks and eReaders in Public Libraries: Challenges and Opportunities


Monique Sendze

Associate Director of Information Technology, Douglas County Libraries, Colorado
Douglas County Libraries, Colorado

2:15 pm - 2:50 pm:

There's no doubt that e-books have a real place in the future of reading. Unfortunately, the way most people are accessing e-books today often completely bypasses the library.

The current options libraries have for e-books (in terms of content, interface, interoperability, etc.) are very limited. This issue is important because it fundamentally impacts the primary role of the library -- to connect people and information thereby fostering literacy. Historically, this role has been performed by purchasing physical materials and loaning them to patrons in a one book, one patron at a time model. These new electronic books are not always owned when purchased by libraries (instead, access to the materials is leased for a certain period of time), and in some cases are not available to libraries at all.

This session will cover some of the major challenges that public libraries face today. It will also shed some light on what libraries can begin to do to take advantage of opportunities that may turn the tides.

Parallel Universe: Will Libraries and Publishers Learn to Share?


Michael Cairns

Managing Partner, Information Media Partners
Information Media Partners

2:50 pm - 3:30 pm:

There's a lot going on in the library world of books, serials and eContent. Just like every business connected to the publishing industry today, libraries are experiencing change and dealing with complexity to an extent that both libraries and publishers may neither understand nor appreciate. As the relationship between book publishers and libraries changes -- and it is -- both sides would be well advised to understand more about the circumstances and experiences of the other. As we make the transition to eContent we risk a fracture of the uneasy alliance between book publishers and libraries as more content migrates to electronic form and consumers make electronic delivery their format of choice.

Future Issues: The Supply Chain of Trade Books


3:30 pm - 3:45 pm

Future Issues: The NISO E-Books Special Interest Group


3:45 pm - 4:00 pm

Additional Information

The Changing Standards Landscape is jointly organized by the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) and the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). Both organizations support, promote and maintain standards and best practices in the information community. NISO focuses on publishers, libraries, and the systems suppliers in information distribution. BISG focuses on the book supply chain of publishers, manufacturers, and wholesale and retail suppliers.