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Industry Events

Industry Events

April Meetings

April 2 – April 6
23rd Annual Museums and the Web Conference (MuseWeb MW19)
Boston, MA

April 7
“We’re Not Who We Used to Be: Shifting Relationship Dynamics and Imbalances in an Open Access World (SSP UKSG Pre- conference workshop)
Telford, UK

April 7 – April 10
International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) Meeting
Vncouver, British Columbia, Canada

April 8 – April 9
Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Spring 2019 Membership Meeting
St. Louis, MO

April 10 – April 13
ACRL 2019 Conference: "Recasting the Narrative"
Cleveland, OH

April 11 – April 14
Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP) Annual Conference
Philadelphia, PA

April 25 – April 29
American Society for Indexing (ASI) 2019 Conference: "Bloom in the Desert"
Scottsdale, AZ


May Meetings

May 3 - May 8
Medical Library Association (MLA) 2019 Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL

May 4 - May 7
Council of Science Editors (CSE) Annual Meeting: "The Spirit of Publishing: Inclusion, Identity, Technology & Beyond"
Columbus, OH

May 5  - May 10
TC46 Plenary Meeting 
Ottawa Canada

May 7 - May 9
ARL Association of Research Libraries Membership Meeting, Spring 2019
Minneapolis, Minnesota

May 13 - May 17
The Web Conference 2019 (IW3C2)
San Francisco, CA

May 18 - May 21
Acquisitions Institute Place
Mt. Hood, OR

May 20 - May 21
Cambridge, UK

May 21 - May 23
Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) Annual Meeting 2019
Lyon, France

May 29 - May 31
Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) 41st Annual Meeting: "Shaping the New Status Quo: Global Perspectives in Scholarly Publishing"
San Diego, CA

May 29 - June 1
Book Expo America (BEA)
New York, NY

June Meetings

June 5 - June 8
Pittsburgh, PA

June 10 - June 13
Open Repositories
Hamburg, Germany

June 11 - June 13
Association of University Presses
Detroit MI

June 13 - June 18
Special Libraries Association
Cleveland OH

June 20 - June 25
American Library Association Annual Meeting
Washington DC

June 23 - June 27
Perth, Australia