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Federal AI Standards Resources

Federal AI Standards Resources

June 2019

1.  2018 DHS Report - AI: Using standards to mitigate risk

The use of AI can introduce novel, unresolved vulnerabilities that are distinct and unique from traditional information technology systems...As AI technologies become more widespread, efforts to ensure that they work as intended become more critical.

2.  NIST Draft Outline for the AI Standards Federal Engagement Plan (24-May-19)

A Plan for Federal Engagement in Developing Technical Standards and Related Tools Supporting Reliable, Robust, and Trustworthy Systems that Use AI Technologies

3.  NIST Website on AI Standards

4.  NIST RFI on AI Standards

The February 11, 2019, Executive Order on Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence (AI) directs the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to create a plan for Federal engagement in the development of technical standards and related tools in support of reliable, robust, and trustworthy systems that use AI technologies (Plan).

5. ISO SC42 Standards on Big Data and AI

6. ISO JTC1 Emerging Information & Communication Technology

JTC 1 is the standards development environment where experts come together to develop worldwide Information and Communication Technology (ICT) standards for business and consumer applications.

7. IEEE P7000 - Ethical design principles for technical developments

The standard establishes a process model by which engineers and technologists can address ethical consideration throughout the various stages of system initiation, analysis and design. 

8. OEDC on Artificial Intelligence

9. OEDC Legal Instruments - Recommendation from the Council on Artificial Intelligence