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Complete A Survey for the Open Discovery Initiative: Engage and Share Your Thoughts!

Complete A Survey for the Open Discovery Initiative

June 2019

The Open Discovery Initiative Standing Committee invites your engagement in beginning the revisions for the Recommended Practice (NISO RP-19-2014, Open Discovery Initiative: Promoting Transparency in Discovery). The starting point for the revision process is information gathering, and much work this spring has gone into designing surveys for our three stakeholder groups: libraries, content providers, and discovery service providers.

We need your help!  Please participate in these surveys to ensure the revised recommended practice reflects current discovery practices. The surveys will be available until July 19, 2019.  You can preview the survey questions using the pdf linked on the survey welcome screen. 

Survey questions will inform the following areas for the revision (more details about these available in the full work item proposal):

  • Library Responsibilities in ODI
  • Handling of Open Access Content Including Hybrid OA Content
  • More Meaningful Usage Statistics for Content Providers
  • Fair Linking
  • Identifying the Source of the Record in the Discovery Interface
  • Content Coverage Disclosure (Reporting on Discovery Service Content at a Collection Level)
  • Identification of Additional Metadata and Content Elements 

Summary results from these surveys will be made available in an appendix to the revised Recommend Practice.