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NFAIS Forethought: Artificial Intelligence #2 – Processes for Media Analysis and Extraction


About the Webinar

In order to implement artificial intelligence in a meaningful way, organizations with large collections of data must ensure that they have the support they need for processing, analyzing, and extracting meaningful data. Typically, this involves working with a technology provider with AI expertise. But what do you need to know before engaging their services? This event will help you answer this question by  learning from the experience of others, as speakers from a variety of backgrounds address the practical needs, barriers, and benefits of embarking upon this process.

Confirmed speakers in this event include Jake Zarnegar, Chief Business Development Officer, Silverchair; Ruth Pickering, Co-Founder and Chief Business Development and Strategy Officer, Yewno; and Stuart Maxwell, Chief Operating Officer, Scholarly iQ.  


In response to the recent circumstances surrounding COVID-19, NISO understands that staff at an increasing number of organizations are now working remotely. During this unique situation, we are allowing registrants to share the sign-on instructions with your colleagues so that they may join the broadcast directly, irrespective of where they are located.

Event Sessions

Supporting AI: Best Practices for Content Delivery Platforms


Abraham Lincoln is famous for saying “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”  While I’m pretty sure he wasn’t talking about AI content analysis or text mining (!), his underlying message is an uncanny match to these projects.  A recent research paper on knowledge extraction from databases asserted “data preparation consumes 60 to 90% of the time needed to mine data – and contributes 75 to 90% to the mining project’s success.” 

Content delivery platforms play a key role in helping (or hindering) these new AI projects in how they choose to prepare and deliver content and analytics.  In this talk, I will enumerate and discuss best practices that content delivery platforms can use to be the most effective partners for supporting advanced techniques in AI and text mining.

AI Enabling Discovery


Historically access to information was a privilege. With widespread internet access and the digitisation of content, we all now face a different problem: 'it would take over 3 trillion years for a group of ten thousand analysts to read all of the unstructured information available today'. So how can we find what we need from the huge volume of content which is fragmented across a huge number of sources?  

In this talk I will cover how AI technology can help improve discovery despite the ever growing volume and fragmentation of information.  I'll give a brief technical deep dive into AI technology itself and then cover a range of use cases for content owners and researchers related to discovery, along with a list of key points to consider when using AI.

Lessons learned from developing a predictive analytics data model


Stuart Maxwell, COO, Scholarly iQ ( will describe a case study in implementing a data model to create meaningful content topic usage trends for identifying increasing or decreasing topic popularity. The Topic Health Monitor was developed to flag and predict which topics were dropping significantly below or increasing significantly above the average topic’s usage for informing both editorial and marketing strategies/initiatives. From this, Stuart will also share 5 key lessons learned and pitfalls to avoid when planning a new data approach, data model and data system.

Additional Information

  • NOTE: Members of NISO automatically received sign-on credentials for this event as a member benefit. There is no need to register for the recording. Check your institutional membership status here.

  • Registrants will receive detailed instructions about accessing the archived recording within one business day. Due to the widespread use of spam blockers, filters, out of office messages, etc., we ask that you contact the NISO office at if you do not receive these instructions in a timely fashion. This recording access is only to be used by the registrant's organization.

  • Speaker presentation slides are posted to this event webpage following the live broadcast.

For Online Events

  • You will need a computer in order to view the broadcast; audio should feed through your device’s speaker or attached headset.

  • If you have questions or concerns regarding this registration, please contact NISO headquarters via email to We appreciate your interest and hope that you will gain valuable insight from our speakers.