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Selecting Accessible (and Usable) Interfaces: A Presentation by Julia Caffrey-Hill

Selecting Accessible (and Usable) Interfaces: A Presentation by Julia Caffrey-Hill

December 2019

This presentation by Julia Caffrey-Hill was part of a NISO 2019 virtual conference entitled The Impact of the Interface: Traditional and Non Traditional Content. Julia offered this as the abstract of her talk:

Libraries and their users expect interfaces and content that promote access for all. How can professionals building or selecting user interfaces help ensure equitable access? What are some practical first steps to review interfaces for accessibility and usability? This brief overview will provide key definitions and practical recommendations. It will outline several activities and rules-of-thumb that professionals across roles within the library can apply and identify resources for continued self-education.

Click on the arrow above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on Youtube.