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NISO RP-19-2020, Open Discovery Initiative: Promoting Transparency in Discovery


Approved June 22, 2020.

NISO constituted a new Open Discovery Initiative Standing Committee following the approval of the ODI Recommended Practice. This standing committee has worked to facilitate the adoption of the principals of the Recommended Practice and to promote the adoption of conformance statements from discovery service providers and content providers. The committee has extended the work of the ODI Working Group by conducting additional surveys addressed to Content Providers, Discovery Service Providers, and to libraries to gather more extensive and recent data regarding the content discovery environment and to identify interest in enhancements to the Recommended Practice. Informed by these survey responses, the ODI Standing Committee has developed a revision to the Recommended Practice.

In 2018, the ODI Standing Committee members prioritized seven high-priority areas to review as part of the ODI RP revision.   

•    Library Responsibilities in ODI
•    Handling of Open Access Content, Including Hybrid OA Content 
•    More Meaningful Usage Statistics for Content Providers
•    Fair Linking
•    Identifying the Source of the Record in the Discovery Interface
•    Content Coverage Disclosure (Reporting on Discovery Service Content at a Collection Level)
•    Identification of Additional Metadata and Content Elements