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Building and Sustaining OER at a Large University: An Excerpt from a NISO Webinar

Building and Sustaining OER at a Large University: An Excerpt from a NISO Webinar

October 2020

This presentation by Perry Collins was part of the NISO Two-Part Webinar on Open Access. Part One dealt specifically with OER. Collins offered this as the abstract for her talk:

A range of stakeholders including the library, press, and teaching-focused units at the University of Florida have been involved in promoting and creating open educational resources (OER) over the past decade. How have these partners worked together fruitfully, and how have OER initiatives progressed more recently? This presentation will focus on concrete ways in which we have tackled three major areas--assessment, professional development, and publication--with an emphasis on building replicable, sustainable workflows. We will provide examples of lessons learned and productive failures, as well as solutions and plans for iteratively improving our work to support students and instructors.

Watch the Video: