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An Excerpt on the NIST Privacy Framework from Dylan Gilbert

An Excerpt on the NIST Privacy Framework from Dylan Gilbert

October 2020

This presentation by Dylan Gilbert was part of the NISO Virtual Conference, Privacy in the Age of Surveillance: Everyone's Concern. Gilbert offered this as the abstract for his talk:

As the Internet and associated information technologies drive unprecedented innovation, economic value, and access to social services, the amount of data about individuals that is changing hands is nearly incalculable. Many of these technological advancements are powered by individuals’ data flowing through a complex ecosystem. Finding ways to continue to derive benefits from data while also protecting individuals’ privacy is challenging and not well-suited to one-size-fits-all solutions. To enable better privacy engineering practices and help organizations protect individuals’ privacy, NIST developed the Privacy Framework: A Tool for Improving Privacy through Enterprise Risk Management Version 1.0 following a transparent, consensus-based process including both private and public stakeholders. The Privacy Framework Version 1.0 is a flexible and voluntary tool intended to be widely usable by organizations of all sizes and agnostic to any particular technology, sector, law, or jurisdiction.

Watch the Video: