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Building successful, collaborative teams requires more than just picking people with a specific set of skills. Managers must also balance the need to support their team’s motivation and enthusiasm with planning requirements and time constraints.  What are best practices for team communications? How can you ensure collective, as well as individual, accountability? What are the best ways of handling those “awkward” conversations that inevitably arise?  When do you negotiate with your team and when are you justified in making demands of them?  This roundtable discussion will bring together a group of experienced managers from across the information community to share the lessons they’ve learned, as well as their secrets for success.

Confirmed speakers include Deni Auclair, Editorial Director, HSS Journals and US Partnerships, DeGruyter; Barry Bealer, Chief Revenue Officer, Access Innovations; Heather Staines, Senior Consultant and Director of Community Engagement, DeltaThink; and Tony Zanders, Founder and CEO, Skilltype.  


Event Sessions

Moderated Round Table


Heather Staines

Director of Community Engagement & Senior Consultant
Delta Think

Resources shared by our panel:

Shared by speaker Heather Staines: Out of Office: The Big Problem and Bigger Promise of Working from Home by Charlie Warzel and Anne Helen Petersen

The discussion by participants touched on the following:

Please provide the NISO audience with a brief description of your organization or institution and the community that you serve.  (Please be prepared to speak for two or two-and-a-half minutes about who you are, what you do, and an idea of your experiences in fostering teams in the workplace, whether internally or with external clients.)

What has been the impact of the pandemic and the various (necessary) adaptations over the past 20 months on organizations and their teams? Are different conventions or practices emerging, according to whether the organization is a for-profit entity or an academic entity? What changes might be permanent and which simply a passing phase?  

Organizations -- whether for-profit or non-profit -- operate most effectively when they have a strategy in mind for moving forward. As the information community continues to deal with change management, shifting priorities and adapting workflows, can you talk about the role of strategic planning in moving an organization forward?  What is most needful?

Teams exist in a variety of contexts. How does team-building differ in the context of a large vs a small organization? How should leaders think about pressures to conform to an (internal) corporate culture and/or external (possibly societal or cultural) pressure to conform?

Again, allowing for different contexts, what differences in approach might be needed when taking on the management of a pre-existing team versus the approach when building a team from scratch (as entrepreneurs and consultants might be asked to do)? 

What does it mean to build a more diverse team as we’re trying to manage change amidst a period of disruption? (Education, cultural background, race, etc.) How do we foster that mindset?

Given the changes expected in the 21st century workplace environment, what are some of the key variables when thinking about developing a team? Where should the focus be? (Examples: Business or mission objective, workflow, expertise, diversity, etc.) 

Do you have particular success stories about team-building or specific team-building activities or approaches? Are there any tips that you might share with the audience?

How much of a priority does team-building need to be in the context of a remote or hybrid workforce? How could organizations be thinking about this in the current environment?

Additional Information

NISO assumes organizations register as a group. The model assumes that an unlimited number of staff will be watching the live broadcast in a single location, but also includes access to an archived recording of the event for those who may have timing conflicts. 

NISO understands that, during the current pandemic, staff at a number of organizations may be practicing safe social distancing or working remotely. To accommodate those workers, we are allowing registrants to share the sign-on instructions with all colleagues so that they may join the broadcast directly. 

Registrants receive sign-on instructions via email on the Friday prior to the virtual event. If you have not received your instructions by the day before an event, please contact NISO headquarters for assistance via email ( 

Registrants for an event may cancel participation and receive a refund (less $35.00) if the notice of cancellation is received at NISO HQ ( one full week prior to the event date. If received less than 7 days before, no refund will be provided. 

Links to the archived recording of the broadcast are distributed to registrants 24-48 hours following the close of the live event. Access to that recording is intended for internal use of fellow staff at the registrant’s organization or institution. Speaker presentations are posted to the NISO event page.

Broadcast Platform

NISO uses the Zoom platform for purposes of broadcasting our live events. Zoom provides apps for a variety of computing devices (tablets, laptops, etc.) To view the broadcast, you will need a device that supports the Zoom app. Attendees may also choose to listen just to audio on their phones. Sign-on credentials include the necessary dial-in numbers, if that is your preference. Once notified of their availability, recordings may be downloaded from the Zoom platform to your machine for local viewing.