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New and Emerging Specs and Standards (December 2020)

New and Emerging Specs and Standards (December 2020)

December 2020

What You'll Want to Know

ISO/IEC 19772:2020 Information security — Authenticated encryption
Technical Committee: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection

"This document specifies five methods for authenticated encryption, i.e. defined ways of processing a data string with the following security objectives: data confidentiality, i.e. protection against unauthorized disclosure of data; data integrity, i.e. protection that enables the recipient of data to verify that it has not been modified; data origin authentication, i.e. protection that enables the recipient of data to verify the identity of the data originator. All five methods specified in this document are based on a block cipher algorithm, and require the originator and the recipient of the protected data to share a secret key for this block cipher. Key management is outside the scope of this document. Key management techniques are defined in ISO/IEC 11770 (all parts)."

W3C Strategic Highlights (W3C)

"W3C released […] the October 2020 edition of the W3C Strategic Highlights, our semi-annual report about the tremendous work to enhance the Web platform and innovate for its growth and strength. The comprehensive report contains updates in key areas of the Web, illustrates how W3C meets industry needs, and gives the latest information around Web for all and outreach to the world. We also invite you to read W3C CEO’s thoughts on W3C’s 20th Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee meetings which just concluded last week."

Working Group Note: Web Platform Design Principles (W3C)

"The W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG) has published a First Public Working Group Note of Web Platform Design Principles. This document contains a set of design principles to be used when designing Web Platform technologies. These principles have been collected during the Technical Architecture Group’s discussions in reviewing developing specifications. We encourage specification designers to read this document and use it as a resource when making design decisions."