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Your Role in the Open Discovery Initiative

Your Role in the Open Discovery Initiative

December 2020

NISO recently updated the Open Discovery Initiative Recommended Practice, which outlines data exchange including data formats, method of delivery, usage reporting, frequency of updates and rights of use between discovery service providers, content providers and libraries.  The recommendations in this document, created by members of the Open Discovery Initiative Standing Committee, enable libraries, discovery service providers, and content providers to work together to the full extent of their abilities -- providing the most effective and rich experience to end users. 

ODI Standing Committee members Ken Varnum and Geoff Morse discussed these updates during a 60-minute webinar, highlighting the recommended practice and the benefits to all parties who participate. 

Listen to the recording:

Useful Resources Referenced in the Discussion

Resources for Content and Discovery Providers

Content Provider FAQ

Implementation Guide (PDF)

Conformance Checklist Templates & Statements

ODI Completed Statements

Resources for Librarians

Library FAQ and Talking Points

Publishers Discovery Configuration Guides

Library - ODI Conformance Checklist