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December 14 Open Teleconference: A Conversation with NISO Fellow Bruce Rosenblum

Open Teleconference

This month's Open Teleconference will be a conversation with NISO Fellow Bruce Rosenblum.  Bruce was named NISO Fellow at the NISO Plus conference in February 2020 in Baltimore

NISO Associate Executive Director Nettie Lagace will chat with Bruce about his long history in the electronic publishing industry and how many of his experiences, particularly in the application of XML technologies, have affected the way we create and adopt standards and what we expect from our information sharing processes today. We will delve into examples where collective thinking has led to brilliant solutions!

Bruce was a co-author of the original NLM DTD, now widely adopted as NISO JATS, and developed the Crossref Metadata Deposit Schema, which ensures metadata consistency across countless providers. Bruce is an active member of the NISO JATS Standing Committee and the BITS working group and co-chairs the NISO STS Standing Committee. He served on the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Board of Directors from 2005 to 2013.

Event Sessions


The event recording is now available: