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NISO Professional Development Events, June & August 2021

NISO Professional Development Events, June & August 2021

May 2021

June 2021

NISO Webinar

Reset: What Are Our New Priorities?
Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 11:00am - 12:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

To regain the ground lost in the wake of COVID19, we must first determine how the information community has been affected? What is the long-term outlook? Only then can we determine our priorities for rebuilding.  This roundtable discussion will bring together thought leaders from various sectors to discuss what they see as the long-term changes in the information marketplace. What critical products and services are needed? Will the workforce be on-site or home-based? Can stakeholders agree on how access should be handled moving forward? No one can be entirely sure of what the priorities will be, but a robust exchange of ideas and possibilities is a good starting point. 

Confirmed participants in this roundtable include Mary Lee Kennedy, Executive Director, ARL; Cliff Lynch, Executive Director, CNI; Hilary Seo, Dean of Library Services, Iowa State University; and Stephen Rhind-Tutt, President, Coherent Digital, LLC. Other names to come.

NFAIS Forethought Strategic Summit

Transforming Content Through Transformed Systems
Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 10:15am - 2:30pm and Thursday, June 17, 2021, 10:15am - 1:45pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

Join us for talks by John Shaw, SAGE Publishing, Lauren Kane, Morressier, Daniel Ayala, Secratic, Mark Gross, Data Conversion Laboratory, Cindi Blyberg, OCLC, Chris Iannicello, Optical Society of America, and Chris Shillum, ORCID.

Historically, scholarly publishing has focused on technology and platforms that primarily supported the handling of text. Systems were built to facilitate submission, review, editing, formatting, organization, storage, distribution, and discovery. Resources were poured into these systems and they became increasingly sophisticated.

Now, we are seeing the emergence of technology and systems optimized for support of the new content types, formats, and interactions that are of increasing importance and visibility in scholarly communication. Traditional publications are still with us, but users need and expect more.

New systems are required, but those striving to justify and build them face numerous challenges. Transformation requires extensive advance planning and buy-in from a variety of internal stakeholders. And it’s complicated. For example, over time, there may have been home-grown customization —  who remembers now what that code  or its associated metadata looks like? How many schemas might have been brought in at different times? How do you manage — and meet — the needs of multiple stakeholders, internal and external? Collaborative effort is essential even before any new system is introduced.  

In this program, we will explore the challenges from both a management and a technology perspective to consider how the information community can develop systems that continue to add value to scholarly communication and success.

American Library Association Annual Meeting
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 - Sunday, June 29, 2021

NISO looks forward to seeing you at these virtual 2021 ALA Annual sessions!

14th BISG-NISO Forum on the Changing Standards Landscape
Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 10:30am – 2:30pm

Librarians are well-aware that high quality metadata is the key to a user successfully identifying a useful resource. Provider awareness of this has shifted with workflows being enhanced to deliver more complete, accurate, and reliable data. That said, twenty-first century systems do more and require more than simple matching of traditional bibliographic elements to correct fields. Users may be looking for more precise identification of non-traditional content while library consortia may need new indicators useful to collective collections. The 14th Annual BISG-NISO Forum will explore the needs of stakeholders and systems in the interests of interoperability and user satisfaction. 

This four-hour virtual event will bring together stakeholders concerned with the improvements needed to more efficiently and effectively create and transfer metadata between information systems. What data is useful? Which fields are the most frequently used? Should new data and new fields be introduced in order to better serve the needs of the community? What are the issues associated with reliability and credibility? Finally, this Changing Standards Landscape forum will close with a discussion of what such enhancements might enable in a more efficient, more automated, and ultimately more useful information ecosystem.  

This is the 14th NISO – BISG Changing Standards Landscape forum. The event is co-hosted by Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO and Brian O’Leary, Executive Director, Book Industry Study Group.

Seamless Access: A Case Study on Remote Access
June 24, 2021 12:00pm – 1:00pm

The Seamless Access project continues to move forward in an effort to make federated authentication easier for users through the development of its own service, and also through efforts to improve the overall world of federated authentication. This session will start with an overview of how Seamless Access makes federated authentication a better experience while also working to make it more privacy protecting for users. The session will then use a case study to re-examine the remote access experience through the eyes of a library that navigated a shift to majority (or exclusive) remote access. How did their traditional access workflows hold up, what worked - and what didn’t? What does this imply for the access technologies and best practices that libraries should consider for the future? Anyone interested in electronic resource access, authentication, user experience, and the future of authentication should attend!

NISO Annual Members Meeting and Standards Update
Friday, June 25, 11am - 12.30pm Eastern Daylight (US & Canada).

The NISO Annual Members Meeting and Standards Update will take place via Zoom on Friday, June 25, from 11am - 12.30pm EDT/4pm - 5.30pm BST. Both portions of this program are open to the public and all are welcome to participate. You will hear from our Executive Director, Todd Carpenter, and other NISO staff about important organizational issues, including our strategic planning process, the annual NISO Plus conference, our organizational finances, and our standards program plans in general for the coming year. The meeting is also a chance for you to share your own feedback about NISO and our work, and to ask us any questions you have about our organization and how we operate. The Standards Update provides the latest news about NISO’s current efforts, including standards, recommended practices, and community meetings covering many areas of interest to the library and publisher community. Working group members will provide updates on projects newly underway or recently completed.

August 2021

NISO Webinar

Audits and Assessment
Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 11:00am - 12:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

Organizations, small- and medium-sized enterprises, academic and governmental institutions all have mechanisms and plans for auditing and assessing their activities. But just thinking about what’s involved in such processes can be stressful for those involved. Where should your organization start? What data might be useful? What are the meaningful metrics needed to establish best practices and how should your organization be thinking about them as applied to productivity or workflows? Accountability is fraught with sensitive issues like these. This event will bring together a group of experts from across the information community to share their ideas and experiences regarding what works and what doesn’t.

NISO Virtual Conference

Ebooks and Collections
Wednesday, August 25, 2021, 12:00pm Noon - 4:00pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

In a period of constrained budgets, how will institutional libraries build and sustain access to the latest book titles for their communities — whether in digital or print forms? Libraries exist to serve the needs of their researchers, not the other way around. If humanists prefer print for their activities, then both content providers and librarians must ensure that this research need is met. The conversation has already begun of how best to manage the new collective collection. How should the community adapt? This virtual conference will kickstart the conversation, providing an opportunity for a wide group of stakeholders to highlight their community’s needs and share their views on how to meet them.