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Aries Systems Redesigns UX and UI for Workflow Services

Aries Systems Redesigns UX and UI for Workflow Services

October 2021

NISO Member News

North Andover, MA | October 18, 2021

Aries Systems Corporation, a leading technology workflow solutions provider to the scholarly publishing community, announces the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) redesign initiative of its Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® workflow solutions.

Aries Systems is committed to delivering continuous product improvement and innovation to best meet the needs of our customers. The UX/UI redesign initiative is driven by Aries’ dedication to delivering excellence and is in direct response to valued user feedback and evolving design and accessibility standards. These exciting new enhancements will focus on modernizing the look and feel of Aries’ Editorial Manager (EM) and ProduXion Manager (PM) solutions while simplifying and improving the user experience by implementing design best practices. The redesign initiative will create a more valuable, user-centric, and responsive platform for all EM and PM users.

Aries’ strategic approach to the initiative encompasses a multi-year, multi-phase evolution of EM and PM. As new UX/UI enhancements are delivered to specific areas of the systems during each phase, other areas of the system will remain untouched, providing users an opportunity to get accustomed to the new designs and experiences over time. The first phase of the project will prioritize high-impact, heavily-trafficked, and most frequently-noted pages and workflows for improvement by users. Consecutive phases will target areas of the system by role; starting with the Editor role, followed by Reviewer, Author, and Publisher roles, respectively. The initiative will begin with the introduction of a newly redesigned main navigation bar universal to all EM and PM sites, which will provide a fresh and sophisticated look as well as a functional layout for a more intuitive, user-friendly navigation experience.

“I am thrilled to offer Editorial Manager and ProduXion Manager users an enhanced experience to further simplify and streamline their workflows”, said Jennifer Fleet, Managing Director of Aries Systems. “Our customers’ satisfaction and experience remain the focus of our system redesign. The initiative will offer users a modern look and feel with enhanced functionality and performance. The redesign efforts complements Aries’ vision to transform and revolutionize the delivery of high-value content through the power of innovative technologies. We heard your feedback and we are taking action.”

As the project progresses, frequent updates, notices, and supporting resources will be provided in the form of detailed blog posts, Release Notes documentation, video tutorials, FAQ sheets, training webinars, user group meeting sessions, case studies, and more! Materials can be found on the Resources page of the Aries website.

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Aries Systems transforms and revolutionizes the delivery of high-value content to the world. We are committed to providing highly customizable, flexible, and innovative workflow solutions designed to help enhance the discovery and dissemination of human knowledge. Publish faster, publish smarter, with Aries Systems.