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NISO Professional Development Events, Dec 2021 & Jan 2022

NISO Professional Development Events, Dec 2021 & Jan 2022

December 2021

December 2021

Free NISO Workshop

NISO DEIA Workshop 3: Metadata and Indigenous Knowledge/Non-Traditional Outputs
Monday, December 6, 2021, 10:00am - 11:30am AND 8:00pm - 9:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

This hour-and-a-half long virtual event is the third in a series of three, and will focus on metadata and indigenous knowledge/non-traditional outputs. Moderated by Camille Callison, University of the Fraser Valley and Cindy Hohl, The Kansas City Public Library, it will be held twice (10-11.30am ET and 8.00-9.30pm ET) to accommodate all time zones. A combination webinar/workshop, the agenda includes:

  • Welcome and objectives for the workshop
  • Keynote speakers - Stacy Allison-Cassin, University of Toronto, and Melissa Stoner, University of California - Berkeley
  • Discussion/Q&A
  • Wrap up and next steps

NISO Webinar

Cost Effective Product and Project Management
Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 11:00am - 12:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

In a time of economic recovery, there is no bottomless well of resources. Managers must look closely at the budgetary requirements for delivering cost-effective projects and products. What is the best way to build your case as it goes before the decision-makers? If you’re working under the pressures of agile development, how can you plan for changes and budget appropriately? How can product and project managers get the resources they need when every expenditure is under scrutiny? How can you prepare for the unexpected? This roundtable discussion will feature experienced product and project managers, sharing the useful tips and practices they’ve learned during their own careers. 

Confirmed participants in this Roundtable include Maureen Adamson, Principal, Maureen Adamson & Associates; Judson Dunham, Senior Director, Product Management, Elsevier; Paul Shannon, Head of Technology, eLife; and Donna Shaw, Director of Product Management, EBSCO.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 11:00am - 12:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

Building successful, collaborative teams requires more than just picking people with a specific set of skills. Managers must also balance the need to support their team’s  motivation and enthusiasm with planning requirements and time constraints.  What are best practices for team communications? How can you ensure collective, as well as individual, accountability? What are the best ways of handling those “awkward” conversations that inevitably arise?  When do you negotiate with your team and when are you justified in making demands of them?  This roundtable discussion will bring together a group of experienced managers from across the information community to share the lessons they’ve learned, as well as their secrets for success.

Confirmed speakers include (among others) Deni Auclair, Editorial Director, HSS Journals and US Partnerships, DeGruyterBarry Bealer, Chief Revenue Officer, Access Innovations; and Tony Zanders, Founder and CEO, Skilltype.

January 2022

NISO Webinar

Building and Ensuring Long-term Resilience
Wednesday, January 12, 2021, 11:00am - 12:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

How adaptable have organizations and institutions in the information community proven themselves to be — in terms of COVID-19, and also in general during this period of technological and social change? How well are associations, government agencies and other funders, academic institutions, and other stakeholders managing? To what extent are they willing to innovate, whether through policy or practice? This roundtable will bring together industry professionals and observers, to offer their insights on the impact of disruption, and to share their success stories for negotiating change.

NISO Workshop

ODI Conformance Statement for Libraries Workshop
Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 3:00pm - 4:00pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

Struggling to fill out the ODI Conformance Statement for Libraries?  Need some help in determining how to approach this work for your institution?  Join NISO Open Discovery Initiative Steering Committee Library Representatives for a one hour workshop to learn more about ODI (Open Discovery Initiative) and library conformance, get tips on how to approach each area of conformance, and use a provided worksheet to create an action plan for next steps in preparing and publishing your institution’s conformance statement.

NISO Virtual Conference

The User Experience: Just Fix It
Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 12:00pm Noon - 4:00pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

The user experience can be viewed through a variety of lenses. What makes sense to the developer may be baffling to the user. Navigation may or may not be intuitive. Buttons labels can be confusing. Processes seem tedious or cumbersome. How can we ensure that users find the functionality or content they expect? That some useful resource hasn’t inadvertently been hidden? Are there small tweaks that could make a world of difference? Are they easy to make or will they require a significant overhaul of the user interface? We’ll hear from a group of industry professionals, with experience of enhancing the user experience in various ways while keeping an eye on technical debt, costs, and time.