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Seeking Participation by Librarians & Publishers

Seeking Participation by Librarians & Publishers

February 2022

NISO published RP-31-2021, its Reproducibility Badging and Definitions Recommended Practice in 2021, and is now forming a Standing Committee to take on the responsibilities of publicizing it, supporting it, and potentially further developing it.

Reproducibility, the practice of validating prior research through the sharing of data and methods, is a topic that has been discussed within the scholarly research community for more than twenty years. Recently, funding agencies and publishers have accelerated efforts to stimulate reproducibility.  Critical to the issue are the definitions used to define the various levels of reproducibility, and agreement on a standardized badging scheme that can be applied in the publishing process (and perhaps used as a currency in the academic rewards culture). As publishers and researchers begin to implement reproducibility practices, recognition and reward schemes and the related taxonomies are developing on an ad hoc basis, creating a need for some standardization. The NISO Recommended Practice is an effort to develop common recognition practices, vocabulary, and iconography used to facilitate the sharing of data and methods.

NISO specifically seeks librarians and publishers who would like to participate in the efforts of the Standing Committee. Those who have some experience in the areas the RP covers, or who would like to gain experience, are invited to contact Associate Executive Director Nettie Lagace at