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February Open Teleconference: JATS4R

February Open Teleconference: JATS4R

February 2022

Update on JATS for Reuse

Broadcast on February 7, the most recent Open Teleconference focused on JATS4R (JATS for Reuse). JATS4R creates recommendations for tagging particular types of content in JATS XML, which optimizes its reusability.  Nettie Lagace, Associate Executive Director, of NIOS engaged with members of the JATS4R Steering Committee, Jeff Beck of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and Aradhana Mistry of BMJ.

JATS4R's work is predicated on the belief that it is critical for publishers, aggregators, indexers, scholarly web platforms, and digital repositories to agree to use a standard set of XML tags and their definitions and to apply it as consistently as possible to the same parts of article content. This adoption of JATS4R recommendations helps scholarly content creators make XML that improves everyone’s experience with--and discovery of--journal article content as it moves from system to system in the scholarly technical ecosystem.

JATS4R subgroups operate in a lean, agile manner, putting out recommendations on tagging particular discrete article objects in JATS XML at a relatively fast pace. JATS4R recommendations are published as NISO Recommended Practices.

Listen to the audio recording below: