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New and Emerging Specs and Standards (May 2022)

New and Emerging Specs and Standards (May 2022)

May 2022

ISO/IEC 38507:202 Information technology — Governance of IT — Governance implications of the use of artificial intelligence by organizations
Technical Committee: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 Artificial intelligence

"This document provides guidance for members of the governing body of an organization to enable and govern the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), in order to ensure its effective, efficient and acceptable use within the organization. This document also provides guidance to a wider community, including: executive managers; external businesses or technical specialists, such as legal or accounting specialists, retail or industrial associations, or professional bodies; public authorities and policymakers; internal and external service providers (including consultants); assessors and auditors. […] This document addresses the nature and mechanisms of AI to the extent necessary to understand the governance implications of their use: what are the additional opportunities, risks and responsibilities that the use of AI brings? The emphasis is on governance (which is done by humans) of the organization’s use of AI and not on the technologies making up any AI system. However, such governance requires an understanding of the implications of the technologies."

ISO/IEC 19944-2:2022 Cloud computing and distributed platforms — Data flow, data categories and data use — Part 2: Guidance on application and extensibility
Technical Committee: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38 Cloud computing and distributed platforms

"ISO/IEC 19944-1 provides a data taxonomy, data processing and use categories and other descriptive facets that can be applied to data. All aspects of ISO/IEC 19944-1 are extensible to meet the needs of diverse users. The standardized ability to categorize data, describe uses of data and apply other facets is useful in several scenarios including the application of policy to data and in describing the use of data to stakeholders. […] The aim of this document is to assist users of ISO/IEC 19944-1 by providing examples and guidance for its use across several domains. Additionally, this document provides users who need to extend ISO/IEC 19944-1 with examples and guidance. This document provides guidance on the application of the taxonomy and use statements from ISO/IEC 19944-1 in real world scenarios, and how to develop extensions to the data taxonomy, data processing and use categories and data use statements."

NKOS website moves to (

"The website, initiated by Linda Hill at University of California, Santa Barbara and then hosted and maintained for over twenty years by Marcia Zeng at Kent State University in support of the activities of the Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) community, which started as an ACM DL'97 workshop led by Joseph Busch, is now hosted by DCMI at The NKOS server, which holds more than twenty years of workshop program and presentation materials as well as related working group materials (including the NKOS Dublin Core Application Profile NKOS AP, KOS Type Vocabulary, and academic publications, will continue to be updated by the NKOS community. A second NKOSeu server, with presentations or proceedings of NKOS workshops held in Europe, is maintained by the Hypermedia Research Group of the University of South Wales."

Working Group Note: Fonts for the Web: Rationale, 1996 [W3C]

"The Web Fonts Working Group has just published a Group Note of Fonts for the Web: Rationale, 1996. This is a requirements document dating to 1996, created at the start of work on Web Fonts at W3C by the Web Fonts Working Group, which is now being published as a matter of historical record."