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Library Impact Research Report: University of Illinois - Chicago

Library Impact Research Report

August 2022

Faculty Publication Patterns at a Large Urban University and Correlation with Collections Use and Size

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As part of ARL’s Research Library Impact Framework initiative, the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) conducted a study to demonstrate how the availability and use of library collections impacts faculty productivity and publication patterns over time. This report is the outcome.

Bibliographic Information: De Groote, Sandra L., Jung Mi Scoulas, Paula R. Dempsey, Deborah D. Blecic, and Felicia A. Barrett. Library Impact Research Report: Faculty Publication Patterns at a Large Urban University and Correlation with Collections Use and Size. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, June 30, 2022.

Abstract: The primary goals of this research project were to examine library impact on faculty productivity and to explore how publication patterns of faculty at a public research university changed over time. To address these questions, the project used various usage statistics: collection size (measured by journal holdings), collection use (measured by number of references in the publications), publications (number of publications by faculty), publication impact (measured by number of citations), number of co-authors, grant funding, page counts, and faculty demographic information. Publication data for faculty at a large urban public research university were obtained from Scopus. Analyses of the data revealed several variables that affect journal publication patterns including number of references used in publications, number of authors, and grant funding.