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On Assignment: Daniella Lowenberg

On Assignment: Daniella Lowenberg

July 2022

NISO Member News

From the statement by Gunter Weibel Associate Vice Provost & Executive Director of the California Digital Library:

It is my pleasure to announce the assignment of Daniella Lowenberg, through the Intergovernment Personnel Act (IPA), to the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for a two-year period, funded by the Ballmer Group, beginning August 1st. 

In her role as Senior Advisor for Data Governance, Daniella will lead the agency’s open data strategy and guide the development of the infrastructure required to open up ACF data for research, policy, and public access. ACF has the largest corpus of human services data and represents foundational sources of core data for trials and analyses that can inform social service program participants and their outcomes. Access to these data are essential for enabling equity analyses and driving studies that may result in reduced injustices, increased socioeconomic opportunities, and federal social and public health policy change.