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September 20: NISO Plus Forum Program Update

September 20: NISO Plus Forum Program Update

July 2022

September 20, 2022!

American Geophysical Union, Washington DC

Do you want to help improve metadata — how it’s structured and exchanged, and the use of identifiers? Do you work in the information community? Are you in a role where you have the seniority and functional expertise to understand the challenges and opportunities for both your organization and the wider community? If your answer is a resounding YES, then we hope you’ll join us at the NISO Plus Forum at the American Geophysical Union’s headquarters in Washington, DC on September 20. 

The NISO Plus Forum is a new event, held in person so that we can focus on practical work in small groups. It’s a place where conversations become outcomes, which become projects, that yield solutions for the information community. Through a series of interactive workshop-style activities and discussions, you’ll help develop the outline for a metadata-focused track for the 2023 NISO Plus conference, as well as helping shape metadata standards development priorities for NISO to take forward with the information community. 

To remind us that, at the end of the day, we are all here to serve the researcher community, you’ll also have a chance to hear from several researchers about metadata challenges they face, and how we can help. Dr. Ana Heredia is a former researcher in eco-ethology at Embrapa Solos: Rio de Janeiro, now working as a scholarly communications consultant. Dr. Kathryn Kaiser (University of Alabama School of Public Health), is working on meta-research to improve the findability of scientific literature to support the FAIR principles. Dr. Diana Marsh (University of Maryland iSchool) is researching the uses of digitized ethnographic collections in Native community contexts. 

Because of the focus on interactive work in small groups, we have a strict cap of 100 attendees for the NISO Plus Forum, on a first come, first served basis, and organizations can reserve a maximum of three tickets each initially. 

So, if you’re a metadata enthusiast, and you’d like the opportunity to share perspectives and ideas with a diverse group of other metadata enthusiasts from across the information community — please register now for the NISO Plus Forum

Many thanks to our generous sponsors for helping us make this event possible. If you’d like to join them, please visit our sponsorship page for more information about our range of options—from $500-$5000.