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DataCite Metadata Working Group Seeks Comments by Oct 17

DataCite Metadata Working Group Seeks Comments by Oct 17

September 2022

Information Industry News

The DataCite Metadata Working Group has released a draft of Metadata Schema 4.5: DataCite Metadata Schema 4.5: Request for Comments.  They are committed to making sure these changes work—that they solve the problems that they are intended to solve—and for the first time, they are sharing a draft proposal before releasing the next metadata schema version.

This proposal includes:

  • Support for instruments
  • Support for pre-registrations and registration reports
  • Support for publisher identifiers
  • New Distribution property
  • Clarifications to RelatedItem property
  • Updated PhysicalObject definition

Details on how to provide feedback are included in the draft proposal document and summarized in this blog post:  A copy of the proposal in PDF format is also available.

The Working Group welcomes feedback on this proposal through October 17, 2022. Please feel free to share in your networks! Should you have any questions, please contact them directly.