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ICYMI: 2022 ODI Conformance Statement Workshop for Libraries

ICYMI: 2022 ODI Conformance Statement Workshop for Libraries

October 2022

This presentation was provided by Teresea Hazen of the University of Arizona, Geoff Morse of Northwestern University, and Ken Varnum of the University of Michigan Library, during the Fall "ODI Conformance Statement Workshop for Libraries." The event was held October 17, 2022.

Struggling to fill out the ODI Conformance Statement for Libraries?  Need some help in determining how to approach this work for your institution? Join NISO Open Discovery Initiative Steering Committee Library Representatives for a one hour workshop to learn more about ODI (Open Discovery Initiative) and library conformance, get tips on how to approach each area of conformance, and use a provided worksheet to create an action plan for next steps in preparing and publishing your institution’s conformance statement.

Click above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on our Cadmore Repository.