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NISO Plus 2023 - there’s something for everyone!

NISO Plus 2023 - there’s something for everyone!

January 2023

The NISO Plus conference is developed by and for the global information community. Each year our planning committee of information professionals from around the world helps us identify the topics and speakers that are of most interest to them and their organizations, which form our invited sessions. We also invite session proposals from the community, to expand the coverage further. And this year, we’re also incorporating the most popular ideas generated at the NISO Plus Forum in September into the conference program. Together with keynotes from David Weinberger, Caleb Kibet, Yuko Harayama, and Miles Conrad Awardee, Safiya Umoja Noble, we can guarantee that there truly will be something for everyone at NISO Plus 2023.

Hrere are just some of the topics and themes we’re looking forward to — please check out the full program for more!

Thanks to the enthusiasm of our global planning committee and many of those who submitted session proposals, as well as the participants in the first NISO Plus Forum in September 2022, metadata is THE hot topic at this year’s conference. We have an entire track dedicated to the topic, including sessions on metadata in the creative industries, communicating the value of metadata, multi-language metadata — not to mention, Metadata Greatest Hits: Music Through the Ages! There are also numerous sessions in the other tracks. Whether you want to know how to design a metadata fitness program, make the business case for metadata, or visualize institutional research activity using PID metadata, if you’re interested in metadata then NISO Plus 2023 is the conference for you!

Asia Pacific
If you’re based in the Asia Pacific region — or interested in getting an Asia Pacific perspective on information community issues — then, with thanks to the APAC representatives on our global planning committee, we have a great program lined up for you. As in previous years, NISO Plus 2023 is divided into two blocks of time, one of which takes place during Asia Pacific office hours, making it easy for attendees there to participate. You can hear about the value proposition for information standards, with a focus on APAC countries; national PID strategies and what they mean for the information community; multi-language metadata, especially in non-Roman languages; and much more! You can also attend our popular Jeopardy: Standards Edition social event and, of course, our closing keynote, by Dr. Harayama, will take place during the APAC time block. 

Ensuring that we include a librarian perspective in as many sessions as possible is key to NISO Plus’s success as a conference for the whole information community. This year, you can look forward to hearing from librarians across a broad range of organizations (academic, industry, and public libraries, as well as library vendor companies) and countries (from Australia to Canada to Sweden), on a wide variety of topics. A sample includes: collaborating to implement Seamless Access; creating digital collections with and for Indigenous communities; understanding the value of OA usage information; metadata quality and completeness; and more. 

Whatever your area of interest and role, wherever you are, we hope you’ll join us at NISO Plus 2023!