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UK Statement on Distributed Print Book Collections

UK Statement on Distributed Print Book Collections

January 2023

Research Libraries UK Endorse This Statement

In 2022 the RLUK Board of Directors endorsed a vision for a UK Distributed Print Book Collection as part of the RLUK Library Transforming Strategy of which ‘Collective Collections’ is one of the five key strands.  It is envisaged that this shared print collection will extend beyond RLUK libraries, with SCONUL, national libraries, special libraries and Jisc all playing a role. This model will help to ensure preservation of and access to shared print holdings in UK and Ireland (subject to consultation with RLUK members in Ireland) for current and future users.

The endorsed recommendations to support this vision may be viewed here. RLUK recognizes that the recommendations being put forward build on developments in collaborative collection management in relation to printed monographs over the past decade.